
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

The Development of Applied Linguisties The origin of applied linguistics is commonly attributed to the establishment in 1941 of the English Language Institute at the University of Michigan and the coinage of the term applied linguistics to the creation in 1948 of Language Learning: A Quarterly Journal of Applied Linguistics. The history of applied linguistics can be discussed in different countries. 3001bom In America, in 1948, a conference was organised by Tol nonbet im Charles C. Fries, supported, among others, by Kenneth L. Pike and W. Freeman Twaddell at the University of Michigan to disseminate information about work at Fries English Language Institute . At that conference, a quarterly journal of applied linguistics was started. In Britain as well, a school of Applied Linguistics was established by J.C. Cartford at the University of Edinburgh in 1956 and the centre for AL was set up in WashingtoR under Charles Ferguson in1959. It has been noted that similar institutes have been set up in vanous parts of the world. Grabe noted that national associations of applied se linguists came together in 1964 to form the Association International de la Linguistique Appliquée This association holds a four yearly international congress with published proceedings. McNamara points to a different tradition for Australian applied linguistics in contrast to the ones for UK and US. To McNamara, Australian applied linguistics made AL of modern languages its target of immigrants rather than English. The application of linguistics to the development of teaching materials and writing systems for aboriginal languages was also focused on. The Australia tradition of AL shows a strong influence of continental Europe and of USA rather than of Britain. English came in the context of mother tongueteaching and the teaching of English to immigrants-English as a Second Language . The English as a Foreign Language British tradition got to Australia in the 1980's. Scholars have noted that the important thing about AL in Australia is its concern for language in education, both with regard to new migrant languages and literacy in English.

النص الأصلي

The Development of Applied Linguisties The origin of applied linguistics is commonly attributed to the establishment in 1941 of the English Language Institute at the University of Michigan and the coinage of the term applied linguistics to the creation in 1948 of Language Learning: A Quarterly Journal of Applied Linguistics. The history of applied linguistics can be discussed in different countries. 3001bom In America, in 1948, a conference was organised by Tol nonbet im Charles C. Fries, supported, among others, by Kenneth L. Pike and W. Freeman Twaddell at the University of Michigan to disseminate information about work at Fries English Language Institute . At that conference, a quarterly journal of applied linguistics was started. In Britain as well, a school of Applied Linguistics was established by J.C. Cartford at the University of Edinburgh in 1956 and the centre for AL was set up in WashingtoR under Charles Ferguson in1959. It has been noted that similar institutes have been set up in vanous parts of the world. Grabe noted that national associations of applied se linguists came together in 1964 to form the Association International de la Linguistique Appliquée This association holds a four yearly international congress with published proceedings. McNamara points to a different tradition for Australian applied linguistics in contrast to the ones for UK and US. To McNamara, Australian applied linguistics made AL of modern languages its target of immigrants rather than English. The application of linguistics to the development of teaching materials and writing systems for aboriginal languages was also focused on. The Australia tradition of AL shows a strong influence of continental Europe and of USA rather than of Britain. English came in the context of mother tongueteaching and the teaching of English to immigrants-English as a Second Language . The English as a Foreign Language British tradition got to Australia in the 1980's. Scholars have noted that the important thing about AL in Australia is its concern for language in education, both with regard to new migrant languages and literacy in English.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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