
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

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?The physical, intellectual and emotional abilities of children expand very significantly between the ages of 1 and 13, and children move from barely limping walking to running, jumping and playing organized sports.They also progress by learning to read, speak, and do complex tasks.But the rate of mental, emotional and behavioral development varies markedly from one infant to another and from one child to another.The development is partly based on: Heredity: certain patterns may run in families, such as delayed walking or speech.Children At the age of 2-3 years, children begin to test their limits and do what was forbidden to them, simply to see what will happen.The frequent "rejections" that children hear from parents reflect attempts at independence at this age, and although tantrums are heartbreaking for parents and children, they remain natural because they help children express their frustration during a time when they cannot describe their feelings well.Parents can help reduce the number of tantrums by not allowing their children to become overly stressed or frustrated, by knowing their children's behavior patterns and by avoiding situations that may incite tantrums.In rare cases, tantrums need Evaluated by a doctor.Some young children have a particularly difficult time controlling their impulses and need their parents to set stricter boundaries around them so that they can provide some safety and regularity in their World. At the age of 18 months to two years, children usually begin to identify with gender identity, and it is also during the preschool years that children acquire an idea of the gender role, what boys and girls usually do.Gender roles are influenced by cultures as well.Genital spotting is expected to begin at this age and there are signs that children are beginning to associate sex with body image. Between the second and third year of life, children begin to play in a more interactive way with other children.And although they may not give up their tendency to own dolls, they may begin to participate and even take turns playing.Confirming ownership of games helps by saying, " This Is Mine."Although children at this age seek independence, they still need parents close to them for security and support; for example, they may move away from their parents when they are curious only to later hide behind their parents when they are afraid.At the age of 7, children's intellectual abilities become more complex; at this age they are increasingly able to focus on more than one aspect of an event or situation at the same time; for example, school-age children are able to realize that a tall thin container can hold the same amount of water in a wide and short container.Children are able to realize that the medicine can taste bad, but it can make them feel better, or the mother can be angry with them, but still love them.Children are increasingly able to understand someone else's point of view, thereby learning the basics of role rotation in games or conversations, and in addition, be Children of school age are able to follow the agreed rules of games.Children at this age are also increasingly able to understand the use of Control Authority and multiple points of view Emotionality and behavior are based on the developmental stage and mood in a child, each child has an individual mood or a certain mood.Some children may be playful, adaptable and easily follow a regular, easy routine of falling asleep, waking up, eating and other daily activities.Such children tend to respond positively to new circumstances.Other children are not very adaptable, they may have cases of irregularity in their routine life, such children tend to react negatively to new situations.Other children remain at both ends of the spectrum.Although the child's development is usually continuous, temporary pauses in the development of a certain function, such as speech, may occur.Doctors use established milestones, that is, the age at which most children master certain skills such as walking, to determine how a child grows in comparison with other children.Different skills can be formed at different rates;for example, a child may walk late, but speak in sentences earlier In order for the intellect to grow, children should receive proper care in infancy and early childhood; for example, reading to children from an early age, providing intellectually stimulating experiences, providing warm and educational relationships, lead to a key influence in the development and intellectual development.At the age from 18 months to 5 years, the baby's vocabulary increases rapidly from about 50 words to several thousand, babies can begin to name objects and events and inquire about them effectively, and in the second year of life, they begin to put two words together in short phrases that turn into simple sentences in the third year of life.Pronunciation improves, speech is 50% understandable by a stranger when the child is in his second year, and fully understandable when the child is in his fourth year.A four-year-old child is able to tell simple stories, can engage in conversation with adults or other children?And even before 18 months of age, babies are able to listen to and understand a story that is read to them.By the age of 5, children are able to read the alphabet and recognize simple printed words.All these skills are fundamental for learning how to read simple words, phrases and sentences.Depending on the availability of books in the surrounding environment and on natural abilities, most children start reading by the age of 6 or 7 years?Infants Crying is the primary means of communication for an infant.Babies cry because they are hungry, feel uncomfortable or distressed, and for many other reasons that may not be obvious.Infants ' crying is at its highest by the sixth week of life, when they cry for three hours a day, and crying decreases so that it reaches an hour a day at the age of 3 months, usually.When an infant cries, his parents give him food, change his diaper, look for a cause of pain or discomfort for him, and if this does not work, holding or walking the baby sometimes helps.And sometimes nothing works.Parents should not force crying babies to eat, as they will easily eat if hunger is the cause of their discomfort.* Nutrition: proper nutrition is essential for growth.* Environment: for example, a lack of adequate mental stimulation can slow down development, while proper stimulation can speed up development.(See also learning and developmental disorders).* Physical problems in a child: for example, deafness can slow down the development of spoken language.

النص الأصلي

‏The physical, intellectual and emotional abilities of children expand very significantly between the ages of 1 and 13, and children move from barely limping walking to running, jumping and playing organized sports.They also progress by learning to read, speak, and do complex tasks.But the rate of mental, emotional and behavioral development varies markedly from one infant to another and from one child to another.The development is partly based on: Heredity: certain patterns may run in families, such as delayed walking or speech. * Nutrition: proper nutrition is essential for growth. * Environment: for example, a lack of adequate mental stimulation can slow down development, while proper stimulation can speed up development. * Physical problems in a child: for example, deafness can slow down the development of spoken language. (See also learning and developmental disorders). Although the child's development is usually continuous, temporary pauses in the development of a certain function, such as speech, may occur.Doctors use established milestones, that is, the age at which most children master certain skills such as walking, to determine how a child grows in comparison with other children.Different skills can be formed at different rates;for example, a child may walk late, but speak in sentences earlier In order for the intellect to grow, children should receive proper care in infancy and early childhood; for example, reading to children from an early age, providing intellectually stimulating experiences, providing warm and educational relationships, lead to a key influence in the development and intellectual development. At the age from 18 months to 5 years, the baby's vocabulary increases rapidly from about 50 words to several thousand, babies can begin to name objects and events and inquire about them effectively, and in the second year of life, they begin to put two words together in short phrases that turn into simple sentences in the third year of life.Pronunciation improves, speech is 50% understandable by a stranger when the child is in his second year, and fully understandable when the child is in his fourth year.A four-year-old child is able to tell simple stories, can engage in conversation with adults or other children، And even before 18 months of age, babies are able to listen to and understand a story that is read to them.By the age of 5, children are able to read the alphabet and recognize simple printed words.All these skills are fundamental for learning how to read simple words, phrases and sentences.Depending on the availability of books in the surrounding environment and on natural abilities, most children start reading by the age of 6 or 7 years، At the age of 7, children's intellectual abilities become more complex; at this age they are increasingly able to focus on more than one aspect of an event or situation at the same time; for example, school-age children are able to realize that a tall thin container can hold the same amount of water in a wide and short container.Children are able to realize that the medicine can taste bad, but it can make them feel better, or the mother can be angry with them, but still love them.Children are increasingly able to understand someone else's point of view, thereby learning the basics of role rotation in games or conversations, and in addition, be Children of school age are able to follow the agreed rules of games.Children at this age are also increasingly able to understand the use of Control Authority and multiple points of view Emotionality and behavior are based on the developmental stage and mood in a child, each child has an individual mood or a certain mood.Some children may be playful, adaptable and easily follow a regular, easy routine of falling asleep, waking up, eating and other daily activities.Such children tend to respond positively to new circumstances.Other children are not very adaptable, they may have cases of irregularity in their routine life, such children tend to react negatively to new situations.Other children remain at both ends of the spectrum. Infants Crying is the primary means of communication for an infant.Babies cry because they are hungry, feel uncomfortable or distressed, and for many other reasons that may not be obvious.Infants ' crying is at its highest by the sixth week of life, when they cry for three hours a day, and crying decreases so that it reaches an hour a day at the age of 3 months, usually. When an infant cries, his parents give him food, change his diaper, look for a cause of pain or discomfort for him, and if this does not work, holding or walking the baby sometimes helps.And sometimes nothing works.Parents should not force crying babies to eat, as they will easily eat if hunger is the cause of their discomfort. Children At the age of 2-3 years, children begin to test their limits and do what was forbidden to them, simply to see what will happen.The frequent "rejections" that children hear from parents reflect attempts at independence at this age, and although tantrums are heartbreaking for parents and children, they remain natural because they help children express their frustration during a time when they cannot describe their feelings well.Parents can help reduce the number of tantrums by not allowing their children to become overly stressed or frustrated, by knowing their children's behavior patterns and by avoiding situations that may incite tantrums.In rare cases, tantrums need Evaluated by a doctor.Some young children have a particularly difficult time controlling their impulses and need their parents to set stricter boundaries around them so that they can provide some safety and regularity in their World. At the age of 18 months to two years, children usually begin to identify with gender identity, and it is also during the preschool years that children acquire an idea of the gender role, what boys and girls usually do.Gender roles are influenced by cultures as well.Genital spotting is expected to begin at this age and there are signs that children are beginning to associate sex with body image. Between the second and third year of life, children begin to play in a more interactive way with other children.And although they may not give up their tendency to own dolls, they may begin to participate and even take turns playing.Confirming ownership of games helps by saying, " This Is Mine."Although children at this age seek independence, they still need parents close to them for security and support; for example, they may move away from their parents when they are curious only to later hide behind their parents when they are afraid. At the age of 3-5 years, many children become interested in fantasy games and imaginary friends, fantasy play allows children to safely perform various roles, having strong emotions in acceptable ways.Imaginative play also helps children develop socially as well, and they learn to resolve conflicts with parents or other children in ways that help them vent frustrations and maintain self-esteem.Typical childhood fears such as the exit of the "monster in the closet" also appear in this period, and these fears are considered normal. At the age of 7 to 12 years, children deal with many issues: Self-concept self-concept, the basis of which is being laid by competence in the classroom; relationships with peers, which are being determined by the ability to integrate into society and fit in well; family relationships, which are being determined in part by the approval that children acquire from parents and siblings.And although many children seem to attach great importance to the peer group, they expect support and guidance from their parents in the first place.Siblings can be exemplary role models, valuable supporters and critics regarding what can and cannot be done.This period of life is very active in children, as they are engaged in Lots of activities, and eager to explore new activities.At this age, children are eager to learn and often respond well to advice on safety and healthy lifestyles, avoiding high-risk behaviors.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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