
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (96%)

"Psychologie is the knowledge of the Soul," Nicholas Culpeper writes in his mid-17th century translation of Simeon Partliz's A New Method of Physick.Depending on their field of specializations, psychologists engage in many things; for example, experimental psychology deals with experimental methods to study human behaviour like how an individual reacts to sensory stimuli, learn and remember things and events, or their actions based on the organic needs or due to their desire for status in society.Several Psychologist has followed the Pavlovian line of thought and studied animal psychology and experimented upon the phenomenon of resistance, avoidance, discrimination, reinforcements.Although the study of psychology cannot solve all the problems faced by an individual, it does help in offering techniques to handle one's emotions, eliminates unwanted habits, improves memory as well as positive influences and manipulates a person.Cognitive and educational psychology helps in demonstrating motivation in someone's everyday lives dealings and gives confidence which improves the leadership quality of an individual.The word psychology was created by combining the Greek words psych (meaning "breath, principle of life, life, soul") and -logia (meaning "speak, word, reason" in Greek). The science or study of the mind and behavior is now known as psychology. Animal psychology, child psychology, and sports psychology are examples of branches of psychology that are distinguished by the field to which they belong. The word psychology was created by combining the Greek words psych (meaning "breath, principle of life, life, soul") and -logia (meaning "speak, word, reason" in Greek) .The main distinguishing factor between Psychology and philosophy, which is a very closely related field is that the former subject emphasizes science and particularly scientific methods.The psychologists aim at the study of an organism's effort to adjust itself to varying conditions both within its environment and itself a because the adjustments to inner and outer urges of the body is a constant process.It includes the biological, social, and environmental elements that influence how people think, act, and feel.People can gain insights into their own actions and a better knowledge of other people by gaining a broader and deeper understanding of psychology .When a psychologist emphasizes on the mind, that means the processes and contents of subjective experience such as thoughts, emotions and sensations.By studying or knowing some aspects of psychology benefits an individual hugely as it helps them learn not only about how a brain generally works but also how to use critical thinking in particular situations.Psychology's impact has started to be felt in industries, guidance centres, business, clinics and education, and it is no longer just a subject of academic interests.Some other specializations in Psychology are social psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, counselling psychology etc.Numerous psychologists are also working on psychophysiological studies of wakefulness and sleep.Psychology has touched practically all aspects of human and animal behaviour both from applied and theoretical views, almost all over the world.Philosophers and psychologists mainly conducted the study of the mind.Psychology has saturated practically all fields of human behaviour even though it's very new compared to other sciences.Physiological Psychology deals with the relationships between bodily behaviour and processes.anther definition The study of the mind and behavior is known as psychology.Behaviour is the only thing which can be directly measured; therefore, behaviour and mind are kept separated as long as the action can be observed and measured in a systematic way it may be considered as a type of behaviour.The society shapes the way an individual acts towards any other individual so there is already a psychology present which is taking place.The desire to understand the psychological processes by which a man lives is something that he harboured ever since he was able to think.The scientific study which deals with mind and behaviour is known as Psychology.

النص الأصلي

The word psychology was created by combining the Greek words psych (meaning "breath, principle of life, life, soul") and –logia (meaning "speak, word, reason" in Greek). "Psychologie is the knowledge of the Soul," Nicholas Culpeper writes in his mid-17th century translation of Simeon Partliz's A New Method of Physick. The science or study of the mind and behavior is now known as psychology. Animal psychology, child psychology, and sports psychology are examples of branches of psychology that are distinguished by the field to which they belong. The word psychology was created by combining the Greek words psych (meaning "breath, principle of life, life, soul") and –logia (meaning "speak, word, reason" in Greek) . anther definition The study of the mind and behavior is known as psychology. It includes the biological, social, and environmental elements that influence how people think, act, and feel.People can gain insights into their own actions and a better knowledge of other people by gaining a broader and deeper understanding of psychology .

The scientific study which deals with mind and behaviour is known as Psychology. Philosophers and psychologists mainly conducted the study of the mind. The main distinguishing factor between Psychology and philosophy, which is a very closely related field is that the former subject emphasizes science and particularly scientific methods.

When a psychologist emphasizes on the mind, that means the processes and contents of subjective experience such as thoughts, emotions and sensations. Behaviour is the only thing which can be directly measured; therefore, behaviour and mind are kept separated as long as the action can be observed and measured in a systematic way it may be considered as a type of behaviour. The obvious activities such as gesturing, talking, moving about and the activities of cells within the brain, and internal feelings and thoughts are all considered as types of behaviour.

By studying or knowing some aspects of psychology benefits an individual hugely as it helps them learn not only about how a brain generally works but also how to use critical thinking in particular situations. Although the study of psychology cannot solve all the problems faced by an individual, it does help in offering techniques to handle one’s emotions, eliminates unwanted habits, improves memory as well as positive influences and manipulates a person.

The society shapes the way an individual acts towards any other individual so there is already a psychology present which is taking place. Cognitive and educational psychology helps in demonstrating motivation in someone’s everyday lives dealings and gives confidence which improves the leadership quality of an individual.

The psychologists aim at the study of an organism’s effort to adjust itself to varying conditions both within its environment and itself a because the adjustments to inner and outer urges of the body is a constant process.

Psychology has saturated practically all fields of human behaviour even though it’s very new compared to other sciences. Psychology’s impact has started to be felt in industries, guidance centres, business, clinics and education, and it is no longer just a subject of academic interests.

Depending on their field of specializations, psychologists engage in many things; for example, experimental psychology deals with experimental methods to study human behaviour like how an individual reacts to sensory stimuli, learn and remember things and events, or their actions based on the organic needs or due to their desire for status in society. Physiological Psychology deals with the relationships between bodily behaviour and processes.

Some other specializations in Psychology are social psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, counselling psychology etc. The desire to understand the psychological processes by which a man lives is something that he harboured ever since he was able to think.

Several Psychologist has followed the Pavlovian line of thought and studied animal psychology and experimented upon the phenomenon of resistance, avoidance, discrimination, reinforcements. Numerous psychologists are also working on psychophysiological studies of wakefulness and sleep. Psychology has touched practically all aspects of human and animal behaviour both from applied and theoretical views, almost all over the world.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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