
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (13%)

The average person comes down with three colds a year, each lasting for about nine days.For dinner, a spicy curry makes a good decongestant and
some ingredients (ginger, garlic, chilli) are recognised as being anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

النص الأصلي

The average person comes down with three colds a year, each lasting for about nine days. There is still
no cure but the following advice may help.

Take time off work, because your body will fight off the cold virus better if it is well rested. However, if
you have to work, avoid close contact with your co-workers as the virus is contagious. Wash your hands
frequently or use an alcohol-based disinfectant gel. Non-sedating allergy medications, which you can
buy from a chemist, can decrease drowsiness and also alleviate the problems of a runny nose, watery
eyes and blocked sinuses.

As soon as you feel a cold coming on, boost your fluid intake. Water or juice is ideal but hot herbal teas
with lemon will help thin mucus and expel it from the body. A warm gargle with salt water will relieve a
scratchy throat by reducing inflammation and clearing mucus and irritants. It also flushes out bacteria
and viruses so it can be used as a preventative measure as well.

The warm moisture generated by a hot shower or bath will soothe and clear nasal passages. Inhaling
steam over a bowl of hot water relieves congested sinuses, too. For a tickly cough, the latest research
suggests that honey, either straight from the jar or dissolved in a hot drink, works as well if not better
than costly lozenges and sprays.

A good diet is essential for a quick recovery, so start the day with a healthy breakfast including vitamin
C in the form of fresh fruit or berries. For lunch, chicken soup is good, but be sure to add chunks of lean
chicken meat, for protein helps build immune cells. Not only is this the perfect comfort food but it has
been proven to be medicinally beneficial. For dinner, a spicy curry makes a good decongestant and
some ingredients (ginger, garlic, chilli) are recognised as being anti-viral and anti-bacterial.

A little light exercise is beneficial, as this will enhance your emotional wellbeing, but don’t attempt any-
thing too strenuous. Finally, to recharge your body and regain your strength, you need a full eight hours’

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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