
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (0%)


النص الأصلي

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Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
university deontology
At the end of the lesson, learners would
learn about Academic Ethics & their
implementation in both academic &
professional context
The history of Algerian higher education is
essentially divided into two phases: before and after
the country’s independence in 1962. The first
university created in Algeria was the University of
Algiers, founded in 1910. Thus, in 1962, Algerian
higher education was reduced to the University of
Algiers, to two annexes installed in Oran and
In the aftermath of its independence in 1963, Algeria
had no more than 2,500 students.
The Algerian University has experienced a very strong growth of all its
main indicators, as shown by the number of academic institutions and
their geographical distribution, the number of students and graduates, the
diversification of training courses and the activity of scientific research. As
a result, this densification of the university space has raised several
questions. But it is important to remember that the university aims to
promote scientific knowledge on the one hand and universal values on the
It is in this spirit that pedagogues in recent years have proposed the
opening of a student-teacher dialogue and suggested the establishment of
know-how related to ethics and deontology.
Fundamental notions
Morality= أخالق
Ethics= علم االخالق
Déontology= آداب المهنة
makes it possible to differentiate the good of evil the just of
the unjust, the acceptable of the unacceptable
is the science of morality, it is a philosophical discipline that
reflects on the purposes on the values of existence,
on the conditions of a happy lifeest
all rules or duties governing the conduct to be taken for
members of a profession
La morale
L’ éthique
La déontologie
To summarize:
Morality : what society considers good
Ethics : what I think is good
Déontology:what the profession requires of me
rights : what the law defines as permitted or defended
Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
university deontology

  1. Integrity and honesty

  2. Academic freedom

  3. Responsibility and competence

  4. Mutual respect

  5. The requirement of scientific truth, objectives and critical thinking
    (L’exigence de vérité scientifique ,objectifs et d’esprit critique)

  6. Respect for university franchises (Le respect des franchises
    universitaires )
    The quest for probity and honesty means the rejection
    of corruption in all its forms. This quest must begin
    with oneself before being extended to others. The
    development of ethics and ethics must therefore reflect
    best practices
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university deontology
    Academic freedom Academic teaching and research
    activities cannot be conceived without the academic freedom
    that is its foundation. The latter guarantees, with respect for
    others and in all professional conscience, the expression of
    critical opinions without risk of censorship or coercionLa
    liberté académique
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university deontology
    The notions of responsibility and competence are complementary.
    They develop through democratic and ethical management of the
    university institution. The latter ensures a good balance between the
    need for effective administration and that of encouraging the
    participation of members of the university community by involving
    all the actors of the university in the decision-making process.
    However, scientific issues remain the exclusive responsibility of
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university ethics
    Respect for the other is based on self-respect. All
    members of the university community must refrain from
    any form of symbolic, physical or verbal violence. They
    must be treated with respect and fairness and commit to
    behave in the same way, regardless of the hierarchical
    level of the partners Researchers
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university deontology
    The members of The Academic community will be
    treated fairly, correctly and equitably. Direct or
    indirect discrimination or exploitation will fall outside
    the academic principles.
    The Academic community adopts resolute measures to
    promote the non-discrimination and equal
    opportunities regarding access to study, employment
    and programs, in order to prevent conflicts of interest,
    corruption, preferential treatment and nepotism
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university deontology
    All parts of the community, in all their behavior, to the
    enhancement of academic freedoms in such a way that
    their specificity and immunity are guaranteed. They
    refrain from favoring or encouraging situations and
    practices that may undermine the principles, freedoms
    and rights of the university.
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university deontology
    The quest and the possibility of
    questioning the knowledge that the
    university transmits and produces
    have as fundamental principles the
    search for scientific truth and critical
    thinking. The requirement of
    scientific truth obliges competence,
    critical observation of facts,
    experimentation, confrontation of
    points of view, relevance of sources
    and intellectual rigor. Scientific
    research must be based on academic
    Fundamental principles of the Charter of Ethics and
    university deontology
    Workshop 1
    Imagine a fact critical in the university
    Determine the origin of the problem
    Find possible solutions to avoid this

Academic franchise fees
University Campus Actors
University franchise
university franchise
The concept of university franchise
This concept expresses the sanctity of the university and respect for
science and knowledge.
There is a close link between the concept of academic franchises and academic
freedom; The concept of university franchises assumes that the director of the
university institution is qualified and authorized to maintain order and security
at the university.
Texte réglementaires
Les franchises universitaires sont règlement et prescrits dans les documents
officiels du ministère de l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche
scientifique (Journal officiel n ° 24, 21 Dhou al-Hidja 1419 correspondant au 4
avril 1999) qui stipule ce qui suit:
L'établissement d'enseignement supérieur est un espace de liberté de pensée, de
recherche, de création et d'expression, sans préjudice des activités pédagogiques et
de recherche, et sans atteinte à l'ordre public.
L'enseignement et la recherche impliquent l'objectivité du savoir ainsi que la
tolérance et le respect des opinions contradictoires.
Les étudiants disposent de la liberté d'information et d'expression sans porter
atteinte aux activités d'enseignement et de recherche et à l'ordre public.
Les personnels enseignants de l'enseignement supérieur jouissent d'une entière liberté
d'expression et d'information dans l'exercice de leurs activités d'enseignement et de
recherche, sans porter atteinte aux traditions universitaires de tolérance et d'objectivité et
dans le respect des règles d'éthique et de déontologie. Ils disposent de la liberté
d'association et de réunion dans les conditions fixées par la législation en vigueur
Academic franchise fees
*Protect the independence of teaching staff;
*Protection of intellectual freedom;
*Perpetuate the values of tolerance and non-discrimination;
*Ensure the safety of people and maintain equipment and structures;
*Ensure health, safety and environmental regulations;
*Compliance with appropriate clothing;
*Do not carry out commercial activities without the authorization of the competent
*University is a public space that provides public service to the community
The university institution is a public institution of a scientific, cultural and
professional nature, with legal personality and subject to the supervision of the
Ministry of Higher Education. It includes individuals and organizations that define the
relationship between them and the proper functioning of the campus.
These relationships are governed by the following bodies:
(vice-présidents, secrétaire général de l'université, doyens de facultés, directeurs
d'instituts, vice-doyens, adjoint-directeurs, secrétaires généraux des facultés et
instituts, chefs de département, adjoints-chefs de département de département,
fonctionnaires attachés le cas échéant);
University Campus Actors
Acteurs du campus universitaire
The rector of the university and the management staff
Le recteur de l'université et le personnel d'encadrement
It is composed of representatives of the State and elected officials from the university
family and important employer sectors. It deliberates on issues related to the
development of the university institution, financial and budgetary issues and issues
related to human resources and the identification of major axes of university policy.
There is a council at the level of faculties and institutes.
The Board of Directors:
Le Conseil d'Administration:
University deontology and Ethics Board:
It is a specific organization that includes high-ranking teachers, renowned for their
good conduct and ethics, that guarantees respect for ethics and academic ethics as
stipulated in the charter, and works to fight and protect against the plagiarism.
discipline board :
these are bodies that ensure that students respect the general rules of discipline and
maintain order within the university premises; It is based on respect for others and the
preservation of the property and equipment of the university institution. It also ensures
that students comply with the provisions of the university's internal law
Joint commissions :
these are commissions responsible for examining all questions of an
Individual nature which concern employees. It is made up of an equal number of
representatives of the institution and elected workers.
Cultural and sporting activities
Scientific clubs:
It is a framework for the practice of scientific and cultural activities by students organized
in the institution. The creation of clubs is authorized by institutional officials.
Cultural and Sports Associations: are non-profit, accredited and licensed volunteer
groups whose members put their knowledge and resources into promoting and
encouraging activities in various non-political areas. The activity of the association is
linked to its objective, it seeks to serve the public good, and its activity is not in conflict
with national values and principles.
Workers’ Unions:
is a structure of moral value that the law provides for workers according to which
workers are represented and defend their interests, the promotion of their conditions, the
defense of their material and moral rights. Trade unions are characterized by pluralism.
Student unions:
These are associations that aim to defend the interests of students, promote the level of
education and contribute to providing the conditions for sound pedagogical practice
within the framework of existing laws. It operates according to the credits granted to it
by the Ministry of the Interior
Social partners

Universal values are shaped by implicit behavioral norms that prove necessary for living
in a harmonious and peaceful society. They have the peculiarity of being socially shared
even though values may vary from one person to another. It can be said that kindness,
solidarity, volunteering, and honesty are virtues desired in any country or region.
Therefore, they are universal values.
University values
Universities are institutions with the function of providing education. This teaching and
learning process is based on values and ethics.
Universities also have another function of interacting with society. The university,
through its multiple missions and its impact on the economy and society in general
(competitiveness, popularization, employability, innovation, entrepreneurship, and
governance), and faced with the numerous challenges it encounters to exist, must define
the values it must emphasize and instill them in its members: students, teachers,
administrative, and technical staff.
University values
The values common to all higher education are defined as follows:

  • Commitment to seeking the truth;

  • Responsibility to share knowledge;

  • Freedom of thought and expression;

  • Rigorous analysis of evidence and the use of reasoned argumentation to reach a

  • Willingness to listen to other points of view and judge them on their merits;

  • Consideration of how our own arguments will be perceived by others;

  • Willingness to take into account the ethical implications of certain results and practices.
    Education: Educating is, in general, shaping and developing the human being, and, in a
    particular manner, molding and developing the human mind.
    Culture: The formation and development of the human being are fully ensured only to
    the extent that the acquired knowledge allows for the development of culture.
    Multiculturalism: The University opens itself to other cultures in consideration of the
    depth, transcendence, and values of these other cultures.
    Work: Work has undeniable social value. The University ensures that work is rewarding
    and valued.
    Technological development: The realization of research related to technological
    development is encouraged in view of its social impacts.
    Well-being: Ensuring the well-being of members of society on moral and intellectual
    Social values
    Loyalty: Members demonstrate loyalty, meaning they are fully faithful to their
    commitments to the university community.
    Solidarity: Solidarity is expressed through a strong awareness of a community of
    interests that entails the moral obligation to assist members of the university community.
    Dialogue: Called to exercise their spirit of community solidarity daily, members engage
    in dialogue, especially when faced with controversial or opposing positions.
    Commitment: Commitment is an attitude of a person who, realizing their belonging to
    the community, relinquishes a position of mere spectator and becomes an actor, a partner
    for the future of the community.
    Mutual aid: Mutual aid involves providing assistance to one or another member of the
    community for the better achievement of community goals.
    Collaboration: The practice of community life promotes collaboration or working
    Community values :
    Les valeurs professionne
    Competence: Competence involves in-depth and recognized knowledge that grants the
    right to judge and decide in certain matters.
    Assiduity: The exercise of one's job responsibilities to the best of their competence
    necessarily involves the practice of assiduity.
    Integrity: Behaviors and attitudes prevailing during the execution of teaching, research,
    or creative work must ensure the safeguarding of fundamental values related to scientific
    Intellectual Property: University entities are called upon to combat any form of fraud,
    such as plagiarism, deliberate fabrication or falsification of data, unauthorized
    reproduction, usurpation of author status, hacking of theses or projects, etc.
    Probity: The exercise of one's function is done with honesty, justice, and integrity, or
    with absolute probity.
    Transparency: Transparency involves making information accessible to third parties,
    including members of one's organization. Thus, the production, collection, use, and
    transfer of data are subject to transparent procedures. They must comply with the respect
    for the individual, the interests of university entities, and those of the community at
    Professional values are
    Continuity: Continuity requires ensuring that, during the transfer of power, everything
    necessary for the exercise of said power is accessible.
    Diligence: Diligence ensures that one is prompt in the execution of their work. However,
    promptness is such that the work is done with careful attention, precision, and
    Compliance: Members ensure that their activities comply with current laws, regulations,
    policies, and procedures.
    Disinterest: Disinterest is a value that ensures that, in the exercise of one's functions, one
    detaches oneself from any personal interest.
    Confidentiality: Maintaining a high level of confidentiality by protecting the integrity
    and security of university information systems, including the personal records of
    students, employees, and faculty, as well as administrative, educational, and scientific
    Accountability: Accountability is the ability to consider a person, from a material and
    ethical standpoint, as responsible for their actions.
    Freedom of Teaching and Research: It is constitutive of academic freedom. It is a
    necessary condition for the pursuit of truth. It also implies independence in managing
    relationships with professional environments and partners.

the introduction to student rights is essential in empowering
students and creating an inclusive and respectful learning
environment. By familiarizing students with their rights,
educational institutions enable them to exercise their freedoms
responsibly and hold themselves and others accountable. It sets
the foundation for a harmonious and equitable educational
experience, where students feel supported, valued, and
encouraged to actively engage in their own education.

  1. The Right to a Quality Education
    the right to a quality education is
    essential for every student. It
    encompasses various aspects,
    including a relevant and engaging
    curriculum, competent and welltrained teachers, and resources
    that support learning. By ensuring
    that students have access to a
    quality education, we not only
    promote their academic success
    but also empower them to become
    lifelong learners and active
    participants in society.
    Respecting students' right to freedom of
    expression: In an introduction to student
    rights, educators may provide examples of
    how students can express their opinions
    freely and respectfully in class discussions,
    presentations, or written assignments.
    Students may also be encouraged to engage
    in debates or create platforms where they
    can voice their thoughts on various issues.

  2. right to freedom of
    Ensuring students' right to non

discrimination: Schools can use an
introduction to student rights to
emphasize that all students have the
right to be treated fairly and without
discrimination. Examples of
discriminatory behaviors, such as
bullying, exclusion, or unequal treatment
based on race, gender, or religion, can
be discussed in order to educate
students about recognizing and
addressing such issues.
right to non

Protecting students' right to privacy:
An educational institution can teach
students about their right to privacy
by explaining how their personal
information is safeguarded. For
example, students may be informed
that their contact details, academic
records, and any medical information
will only be shared with authorized
individuals and institutions, and their
consent will be sought before
releasing any information.
right to privacy
The student has the right to safety,
hygiene and health prevention, both in
university and in university residences
safety, hygiene and health
Course materials
the introduction to course materials
highlights the various resources that
students can expect to encounter in their
academic journey. Textbooks,
supplementary readings, and multimedia
resources are just a few examples of the
types of materials that are used to enhance
learning and assist students in their
understanding of course content. By
utilizing these materials effectively,
students can maximize their learning
potential and excel in their studies.
Encouraging student
involvement in decision-making
5. Encouraging student involvement in
decision-making processes: Educators
can engage students in activities that
simulate decision-making processes
within the educational institution. This
may include mock debates or student
councils where students can voice their
opinions on matters such as curriculum
changes, extracurricular activities, or
school policies. This allows students to
understand their right to participate in
decision-making and develops their
skills in effective communication and
Consulting Exam Documents
The student has the right to
consult the examination
document, provided that this is
done within the specified
deadlines previously
announced by the educational
Informing students about
disciplinary procedures
: An introduction to student rights
may include the explanation of
disciplinary procedures and rules,
ensuring that students are aware of
the consequences of their actions.
For instance, students may be
made aware of the steps involved
in disciplinary hearings, the right
to present their side of the story,
and the possible disciplinary
actions that may be taken.
quality supervision
students has the right to quality
supervision as well as measures
support for his research
Access to all the material
resources necessary for quality
The student has access to the
library, the educational
laboratories, the computer resource
centre and all the material means
necessary for quality training.

The student must respect the regulations in force
Duties of students
The student must respect the dignity and integrity of the members of the
university community.
The student must respect the results of the juries of deliberations.
The student must respect the right of members of the university community to
free expression.
The student must respect the results of the juries of deliberations.
The student is obliged to provide accurate and precise information when
registering, and to fulfil his administrative and educational obligations towards
the establishment and its structures.
The student must demonstrate civility and good manners in all of his behaviours
The student must never defraud or resort to plagiarism
The student must preserve the premises and materials at his disposal and respect the
rules of safety and hygiene in all structures of the university.
The student must in no way close the doors of the administrative and educational
structures of the university. It should not hinder their operation by using students
as a human shield.
The student is duly informed of the faults with which he is accused. The
penalties he incurs are provided for by the regulations in force and the rules of
procedure of the university. They are the responsibility of the disciplinary
councils and can go to the final exclusion of the university.
Develop a problem situation
Imagine a critical fact within the university (student/student problem,
Student/teacher or administration)
Determine the origin of the problem
Find possible solutions to avoid this problem based on rights
and the student’s homework

university teaching is a complex and fulfilling profession that requires various
skills and responsibilities. Designing and planning course curricula,
delivering effective lectures, and creating an inclusive learning environment
are the key aspects of being a university teacher. By mastering these skills and
responsibilities, university teachers can play a vital role in shaping the future
of their students and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their
les établissements d’enseignement
1.Access to the teaching
profession – researcher
based solely on academic
qualifications and
experience required
higher education institutions must
guarantee access
to the profession of teacher-researcher
on the basis of the academic
qualifications and experience required.
They must make all the necessary
arrangements. to guarantee to the
teacher researcher the right to teach
safe from interference, as long as he
respects the principles of ethics and
university deontology
les établissements d’enseignement

2. transparency
All questions concerning the definition
and administration of curricula for
teaching, research, peri
activity, as well as resource allocation
must, within the framework of the
regulations in force, rely on transparent
les établissements d’enseignement
3.compliance and efficacy
When the research teacher is
called upon to perform
administrative functions, he must
meet compliance and efficiency
les établissements d’enseignement
4.Evaluation and appreciation of the
work of the teacher-researcher
Evaluation and appreciation of the
work of the teacher-researcher are an
integral part of the process The
evaluation must relate only to the
academic criteria for assessing
teaching and research activities and
other professional activities related to
the university
les établissements d’enseignement
5. Adequacy of working
conditions and periodic
The research teacher benefits from
adequate working conditions as well as the
necessary educational and scientific means
that allow him to devote himself fully to his
tasks, and to have the necessary time to
benefit from permanent training and
periodic recycling of his knowledge. The
treatment granted must be has the measure
of the importance that this function, and
consequently the one that exercises it, is in
society for the formation of the elite, as
well as the importance of the
responsibilities of any kind that fall under
the responsibility of the elite. to the
research teacher, as soon as he/she takes up
his/her duties
les établissements d’enseignement
1.The research teacher must
be an idol reference
The research teacher must be a reference
in terms of skills, morality, integrity and
tolerance. It must give a worthy image of
the university
les établissements d’enseignement
2.Compliance with the
university’s ethical and
deontology principles
The research teacher is in the same way
as the other members of the university
community, also responsible for
respecting the principles of ethics and
university ethics set out above .he/she
must, in the exercise of his/her duties, act
with care, 'diligence, skills, integrity,
independence, loyalty and good faith in
the best interests of the university
3.Register in the most
professional device
When the teacher-researcher commits a
professional error that requires his
appearance before disciplinary bodies,
these bodies are based on the
seriousness of the act committed and
with regard to compliance with all
disciplinary procedures established in
the applicable regulations for such cases,
the penalties for these errors can reach
the final forfeiture of the status of the
les établissements d’enseignement
4.Main responsibility of the
research teacher
The main responsibility of the teacherresearcher is to fully carry out his
university functions as teacherresearcher; To this end, he must

  1. Make every effort to implement all the
    highest standards that guarantee the
    honest exercise of his professional

  2. All meetings, deliberations and
    discussions that take place within
    academic bodies and of which the
    teacher-researcher is a member, must
    remain confidential.

  3. Professional conscience is the
    principal watchdog of the teacherresearcher in order to ensure that
    he does not violate his duties, and
    for this he must adhere to the
    4.Participate in evaluating the progress of all business and
    academic activities for all levels.

  4. Do not illegally use the rights and powers granted to it, for
    personal purposes.

  5. Not exploiting the university to achieve private and personal
    goals and objectives that are outside the university’s mission
    8.When assigned to the teacherresearcher the task of financially
    managing university funds, or of funding
    certain scientific research activities or
    other activities related to his mission, he
    must be honest and fair to them and take
    great care to spend for them.

  6. When assigned to the teacher-researcher the task of
    financially managing university funds, or of funding certain
    scientific research activities or other activities related to his
    mission, he must be honest and fair to them and take great
    care to spend for them.
    10.When the teacher-researcher undertakes the educational process,
    indoctrination and scientific research, it must abstain completely from all
    forms of propaganda and prejudice, whether religious or ideological, for its
    primary mission is to present only effective science and to deliver its
    scientific message to the extent permitted by the material means provided
    by the higher education institution to which it belongs It is in a clear
    atmosphere, full of sublime and sophisticated scientific ethics, which allows
    the exchange of ideas and skills between students and gives them freedom,
    but provided that these ideas are directed within their appropriate scientific
    framework when necessary, and this in all justice and fairness and without
    any exception or bias.
    Develop a model of an academic skill (aim for a skill
    professionalism of a research teacher (supervising students, accompanied
     Respect : Ensure respectful and equitable treatment of administrative and
    justice officers among themselves on the model of all members of the
    university family in accordance with the provisions of the Basic Law on the
    Public Service as well as special laws.
     Right of evaluation, appointment and impartiality::The recruitment,
    promotion, evaluation and appointment process from which administrative
    employees benefit throughout their career must be transparent and objective.
     discrimination : Ensure that administrative employees are not discriminated
    against in the performance of their duties, whether because of their gender,
    race, religion or political affiliatiFournir toutes les conditions appropriées qui
    aident le personnel administratif à mener à bien toutes les tâches qui lui sont
     Benefit from adequate conditions for continuing training: Ensure that
    employees benefit from training and training in order to improve their work

  7. Commitment to integrity, sincerity and loyalty to the
    management of the organization used, respecting
    working hours and maintaining material resources to
    ensure the proper functioning of the university

  8. Avoid all acts that threaten the security of the
    university and respect all laws, orders and decisions
    issued by the administrative authority of university
    3.Commitment to professional secrecy, and not to disclose the secrets of
    documents or news that the employee possesses, except for the necessity
    required by the tasks of all information and services to the university family.

  9. Ensure a public service with qualitative standards requiring treatment of all
    those concerned, including professors-researchers and students, in a manner
    characterized by courtesy, civility and respect, especially when it comes to tasks
    entrusted to them, without any delay and speed
    5.Provision to teacher-researchers and students of all
    information and legal documents that they have the right to see
    and obtain

Cet aspect de l’être humain
se projette aussi dans le
contexte universitaire.
Ainsi, il existe des relations
entre les enseignants, les
étudiants et l’ensemble des
personnels administratifs.
Ces trois couples
relationnels s’organisent
selon trois types de
situation : la relation
pédagogique, les contacts
administratifs et les
échanges sociaux -
L’être humain est considéré comme «
un être de relation ». Cette dimension
nous constitue profondément car nous
venons d’une relation. En effet, la
personne humaine dans sa nature n’est
jamais auto-suffisante : elle est mue
par une aspiration à donner et elle a
un besoin de recevoir, comme la
Cet aspect de l’être humain se projette aussi dans le contexte
universitaire. Ainsi, il existe des relations entre les enseignants, les
étudiants et l’ensemble des personnels administratifs. Ces trois couples
relationnels s’organisent selon trois types de situation : la relation
pédagogique, les contacts administratifs et les échanges sociaux -
La relation pédagogique est caractérisée par le rapport entre
l’enseignant et l’étudiant, mais elle est marquée également par le rôle
du personnel non enseignant et est influencée par les relations entre les
étudiants eux-mêmes. Tandis que les échanges sociaux – culturels
déterminent la socialisation des étudiants en dehors du d’apprentissage,
la science et le talent ne suffisent pas.
Cet aspect de l’être humain se projette aussi dans le contexte
universitaire. Ainsi, il existe des relations entre les enseignants, les
étudiants et l’ensemble des personnels administratifs. Ces trois couples
relationnels s’organisent selon trois types de situation : la relation
pédagogique, les contacts administratifs et les échanges sociaux -
Relations étudiants-enseignants
La relation étudiants-enseignants impose les valeurs suivantes :
La notion de respect doit trouver partout sur
le campus universitaire précisément le respect
mutuel entre les enseignants et les étudiants.
Le respect vise l’accueil des idées et des
identités dans toute leur diversité et cela
s’incarne dans un certain nombre d’attitudes
et de comportements pour vivre sainement
leur relation. Les étudiants, tout comme les
enseignants, sont tenus de respecter les
horaires de cours, des travaux pédagogiques,
des temps de pause ainsi que toutes les
rencontres pédagogiques.
Respect de la dignité et
de la différence, des
idées, des identités
Les étudiants doivent être en communication
franche et respectueuse avec le professeur. Il
importera de créer un climat adéquat et mettre
en place un cadre structuré de rencontres qui
favorisent les échanges, l’écoute, la
communication et la tolérance.
Ecoute et communication
Relations étudiants-étudiants Les relations étudiants-étudiants
peuvent s’appuyer sur les aspects suivants :
Favoriser les échanges entre
Ces échanges permettent à la fois d’aider des
étudiants dans le besoin à mieux s’intégrer au
sein de la communauté universitaire. Ce
processus d’échange est très important car il
aide les étudiants à se rencontrer, comprendre
comment fonctionne l'université, être plus à
l'aise et cela permet également à certains
étudiants d’approfondir notre culture : « se
parler entre étudiants aide à l’intégration et
facilite leurs études ».
Relations étudiants-étudiants Les relations étudiants-étudiants
peuvent s’appuyer sur les aspects suivants :
Entreprendre des travaux
de groupe
Un travail de groupe est une excellente
méthode, utilisée comme outil pour
avancer sur des sujets difficiles. Il se fait
selon une organisation sérieuse et une
animation efficiente. L’idée est d’associer,
rassembler, unir, énergies et compétences
pour mobiliser la force du collectif et
mieux produire. L’intérêt est d’affronter et
de résoudre les problèmes détectés et de
tirer profit d’opportunités.
Relations étudiants-étudiants Les relations étudiants-étudiants
peuvent s’appuyer sur les aspects suivants :
Cultiver l’entraide
L’entraide est une action naturelle qui
consiste à s’aider gratuitement les uns les
autres, à aider les personnes qui souhaitent
surmonter leurs difficultés, et trouver des
solutions aux problèmes auxquels elles
sont confrontées dans leur vie. C’est aussi
un choix de partage et de soulagement.
Relation étudiants - Personnel
Responsabilité et
Les réalités «responsabilité » et
«engagement» sont des attitudes
constitutives de la personnalité humaine
indispensable de la vie en société au sein
de l’université.
Ainsi le principe de responsabilité repose
sur une plus grande pratique du concept de
droits et de devoirs de faire.
Relation étudiants - Personnel
Respect et Rigueur
Les relations entre le personnel parapédagogique et les étudiants doivent être
courtoises et respectueuses. Ceci
s’applique également aux relations
interprofessionnelles, base de la prise en
charge des étudiants au sein de leur
parcours universitaire. Cela dit, l’université
reste tenue de remplir sa mission
avec rigueur intellectuelle et ouverture,
en respectant les normes d’intégrité les
plus élevées.

ethics and professionalism are integral to the
practice of engineering. Engineers must uphold
ethical standards and behave professionally to
ensure the safety, well-being, and trust of the public,
as well as to maintain the integrity of the engineering
profession itself. By adhering to ethical principles and
demonstrating professionalism, engineers can
contribute to the advancement of society and build a
reputation of excellence in their field.
Ethical Principles and Guidelines in Engineering
Ethics and professionalism are crucial aspects of engineering, as they
guide engineers in making responsible decisions and ensuring the
safety and well-being of society. One subtopic that is essential for
engineers to understand is ethical principles and guidelines in
engineering. These principles provide a framework for engineers to
conduct their work with integrity and uphold the values of their
Engineers have a moral obligation to prioritize
the well-being of individuals and
communities affected by their work. This
means designing and implementing
engineering solutions that minimize risks and
adhere to safety standards. Engineers must
consider not only the immediate
consequences of their actions but also
potential long-term impacts on the
environment and society..
ensuring the safety
and welfare of the
Engineers should always strive to be truthful and
transparent in their work. They must avoid
conflicts of interest and accurately represent
their qualifications and capabilities. Professional
engineers are expected to provide objective and
unbiased advice, ensuring that their decisions
are based on sound engineering principles rather
than personal or financial gain.
maintaining professional
integrity and honesty
They should uphold the dignity and rights of all
individuals, regardless of their background or
beliefs. Ethical guidelines in engineering
promote inclusive practices and discourage
discrimination, or any form of unethical
behavior. By embracing diversity and creating a
supportive work environment, engineers can
enhance their professional growth and
contribute to the advancement of their field.
foster a culture of
collaboration and respect
within their profession.
professional responsibilities in engineering encompass a wide range of
ethical obligations and duties. Engineers must prioritize the health,
safety, and welfare of the public, act in the best interests of their
clients or employers, and maintain their professional competence. By
adhering to these responsibilities, engineers demonstrate their
commitment to upholding the highest standards of ethics and
professionalism in their practice.
to prioritize the health, safety, and welfare of the public.
act in the best interests of their clients or employers.
maintain their professional competence and keep up with
advancements in their field.
Professional Responsabilités in Engineering

  1. A civil engineer responsible for designing a bridge must ensure that
    the structure is built to withstand potential natural disasters like
    earthquakes or hurricanes. They must use high-quality materials and
    adhere strictly to building codes and regulations to prioritize the safety
    of the public using the bridge.

  2. An electrical engineer working for a renewable energy company must
    provide accurate and unbiased recommendations on the best solar
    panel technology for a client. They must consider factors such as
    efficiency, cost, and durability to ensure that the client’s interests are
    Concrete Examples:

  3. An environmental engineer working for a government agency must
    evaluate the impact of a proposed construction project on the surrounding
    ecosystem. They must assess factors such as air and water pollution,
    habitat destruction, and endangered species protection to ensure that the
    project aligns with environmental regulations and minimizes harm to the

  4. A chemical engineer employed by a pharmaceutical company must stay
    updated with the latest advancements in drug development and
    manufacturing processes. They must attend conferences and workshops,
    read scientific journals, and collaborate with colleagues to improve their
    knowledge and skills. By doing so, they can contribute to the development
    of safe and effective medications for the public.
    www.themegallery.com Company Logo
    of the
    Proficiency in foreign
    Oral and written
    Civic engagement
    and team work
    In all aspects of his work, the engineer must fulfill his obligations to
    humanity and consider the consequences of the execution of his work on
    the environment and on the life, health, and property of any person.
    The engineer must support any measure likely to improve the quality and
    availability of his professional services.
    The engineer must express his opinion on engineering matters only if that
    opinion is based on sufficient knowledge and honest convictions.
    The engineer must promote educational and informational measures in the
    field in which he operates.
    The engineer must fulfill his professional obligations with integrity.
    The engineer must avoid any misrepresentation regarding his competence or
    the effectiveness of his own services and those generally provided by members
    of his profession.
    The engineer must inform his client as soon as possible of the scope and terms
    of the assignment entrusted to him and obtain the client's agreement on this
    The engineer must refrain from expressing contradictory or incomplete opinions
    or advice and from presenting or using plans, specifications, and other
    documents that he knows to be ambiguous or not sufficiently explicit.
    The engineer must inform his client as soon as possible of any harmful and
    difficult-to-repair errors he has made in carrying out his assignment.
    § 3. — Availability and Diligence
    3.03.01. The engineer must demonstrate reasonable availability and diligence in
    the exercise of his profession. R.R.Q., 1981, c. I-9, r. 3, a. 3.03.01.
    3.03.02. In addition to advice and recommendations, the engineer must provide
    his client with explanations necessary for understanding and appreciating the
    services he provides. R.R.Q., 1981, c. I-9, r. 3, a. 3.03.02.
    3.03.03. The engineer must report to his client when requested. R.R.Q., 1981, c.
    I-9, r. 3, a. 3.03.03.
    3.03.04. The engineer cannot, except for just and reasonable grounds, cease to
    act on behalf of a client. Just and reasonable grounds include: a) the engineer
    being in a conflict of interest or in a context where his professional
    independence may be doubted; b) incitement by the client to perform illegal,
    unfair, or fraudulent acts; c) the client ignoring the engineer's advice. R.R.Q.,
    1981, c. I-9, r. 3, a. 3.03.04.
    3.03.05. Before ceasing to perform his duties for a client, the engineer must
    provide reasonable notice of withdrawal. R.R.Q., 1981, c. I-9, r. 3, a. 3.03.05.
    § 4. — Seal and Signature
    R.R.Q., 1981, c. I-9, r. 3, sec. III, ss. 4; D. 2566-84, a. 4.
    3.04.01. The engineer must affix his seal and signature to the original and
    copies of each engineering plan and specification that he has prepared himself
    or that has been prepared under his immediate direction and supervision by
    individuals who are not members of the Order. The engineer may also affix his
    seal and signature to the original and copies of documents provided in this
    article that have been prepared, signed, and sealed by another engineer. The
    engineer may only affix his seal and signature in the cases provided in this
    article. R.R.Q., 1981, c. I-9, r. 3, a. 3.04.01; D. 2566-84, a. 4.
    3.04.02. The engineer must affix his signature to the original and copies of each
    consultation and written advice, measurement, tracing, report, calculation,
    study, drawing, and specification that he has prepared himself or that has been
    prepared under his immediate direction and supervision by individuals who are
    not members of the Order. The engineer may also affix his signature to the
    original and copies of documents provided in this article that have been
    prepared and signed by another engineer. D.
    Availability and Diligence
    The engineer must demonstrate reasonable availability and diligence in the
    exercise of his profession.
    In addition to advice and recommendations, the engineer must provide his
    client with explanations necessary for understanding and appreciating the
    services he provides.
    The engineer must report to his client when requested.
    The engineer cannot, except for just and reasonable grounds, cease to act on
    behalf of a client. Just and reasonable grounds include:
    a) the engineer being in a conflict of interest or in a context where his
    professional independence may be doubted;
    b) incitement by the client to perform illegal, unfair, or fraudulent acts;
    c) the client ignoring the engineer's advice..
    Before ceasing to perform his duties for a client, the engineer must provide
    reasonable notice of withdrawal.
    Seal and Signature
    The engineer must affix his seal and signature to the original and copies of each
    engineering plan and specification that he has prepared himself or that has
    been prepared under his immediate direction and supervision by individuals
    who are not members of the Order. The engineer may also affix his seal and
    signature to the original and copies of documents provided in this article that
    have been prepared, signed, and sealed by another engineer. The engineer may
    only affix his seal and signature in the cases provided in this article.
    The engineer must affix his signature to the original and copies of each
    consultation and written advice, measurement, tracing, report, calculation,
    study, drawing, and specification that he has prepared himself or that has been
    prepared under his immediate direction and supervision by individuals who are
    not members of the Order. The engineer may also affix his signature to the
    original and copies of documents provided in this article that have been
    prepared and signed by another engineer.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

تلخيص النصوص آلياً

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية اليا باستخدام الخوارزميات الإحصائية وترتيب وأهمية الجمل في النص

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