
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

DEPARTEMENT OF COMMERCE FIRST YEAR STUDENTS MODULE: ENGLISH SECTION: C1/C2 INTRODUCTION TO COMMERCE 1.Is buying and selling of products through an electronic medium like the internet.Key roles in commerce: o Producers: are people or businesses that make goods or provide services for example: a backer makes bread; a farmer grows vegetables.o Helps us get what we need and want (food, clothes.......) o Creates jobs o Connects people and countries o Contributes to the overall growth and development of a country 4.o B2B: business to business (websites such as SHOPIFY)B2C: business to consumer (websites such as Amazon) o C2C: consumer to consumer (websites such as eBay) 6.o Consumer: are people who buy goods and services for personal use o Distributors: are businesses that help move goods from producers to consumers.They include supermarkets, department store, online stores, local shops...2.3.5.

النص الأصلي


  1. What is Commerce?
    It isthe activity of buying and selling goods and services, commerce can take place between
    businesses and consumers; often with money involved.

  2. Where commerce can take place?
    • In physical stores or local markets: Is a place nearby where people can buy things
    it could be: grocery store, clothing shop, or farmer’s market…
    • Online website or online shopping: is when people buy things through websites
    or apps, rather than going to a physical store. (Alibaba, Amazon, market place…)
    • International trade: happens when countries buy and sell goods and services with
    each other. This trade connects people all over the world.

  3. Why is commerce important? Or why commerce plays an important role in the
    • Helps us get what we need and want (food, clothes…….)
    • Creates jobs
    • Connects people and countries
    • Contributes to the overall growth and development of a country

  4. What is E-commerce or Electronic commerce?
    Is buying and selling of products through an electronic medium like the internet.

  5. What are types of E-commerce?
    • B2B: business to business (websites such as SHOPIFY)B2C: business to consumer (websites such as Amazon)
    • C2C: consumer to consumer (websites such as eBay)

  6. Key roles in commerce:
    • Producers: are people or businesses that make goods or provide services for
    example: a backer makes bread; a farmer grows vegetables.
    • Consumer: are people who buy goods and services for personal use
    • Distributors: are businesses that help move goods from producers to consumers.
    • Retailers: are businesses that sell goods directly to consumers. They include
    supermarkets, department store, online stores, local shops…
    • Advertisers: help inform people about products and services. Through
    advertisements on TV, the internet, social media..

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