
خدمة تلخيص النصوص العربية أونلاين،قم بتلخيص نصوصك بضغطة واحدة من خلال هذه الخدمة

نتيجة التلخيص (50%)

Rose loved."I know! I'll pint a duck!. So she did Suddenly, the duck flew off the paper and onto the pond. She said 'A magic paintbrush!"drawing she was very poor and didn't have pans or pencils.One day, an old lady saw rose and said "Hello! Here's a pint brush abd some paper for you "." smiled rose . She was so happy."Hmmm, what can l pint ?"The king wants you to pint some money for him . But the nasty soldier took rose to the king " pint me a tree with lots of money on it" he shouted.She looked around and saw a duck on the pond .She drew pictures in the sand with sticks.she thought."Wow !".

النص الأصلي

Rose loved. drawing she was very poor and didn't have pans or pencils. She drew pictures in the sand with sticks. One day, an old lady saw rose and said "Hello! Here's a pint brush abd some paper for you ".
"Thank you! " smiled rose . She was so happy."Hmmm, what can l pint ? she thought. She looked around and saw a duck on the pond . "I know! I'll pint a duck!.
So she did Suddenly, the duck flew off the paper and onto the pond. "Wow !" She said 'A magic paintbrush!" .
Rose was a very kind girl and she painted pictures for everyone in her village. She painted a cow for the former, pencils for the teacher and toys for all the children.
The king heard about the magic paintbrush and sent a soldier to find rose "come with me" said the soldier. "The king wants you to pint some money for him . "But he's already rich, said rose."l only paint to help poor people" .
But the nasty soldier took rose to the king " pint me a tree with lots of money on it" he shouted.
Rose was brave and said "No !" So the king sent her to prison. But rose painted a key for the door and a horse to help her escape. The king chased after her . So she painted a big hole , and splat! The king fell in .
Today, only rose uses her magic paintbrush to help people who really, really need help.

تلخيص النصوص العربية والإنجليزية أونلاين

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