
Online English Summarizer tool, free and accurate!

Sometimes you want to read a long article or report, but you don't have enough time for it, here comes Lakhasly which means summarize it for me in Arabic. Lakhasly is a machine-based Summarizer, which can summarize long well structured Arabic or English documents.
Lakhasly is using different algorithms to summarize text based on the input language.

We created Lakhasly because we wanted such tool for our own usage, but we found out it will benefit others so we released it publicly, So please help us by reporting any issue or suggesting a new feature.

Summarize English and Arabic text online

Summarize text automatically

Summarize English and Arabic text using the statistical algorithm and sorting sentences based on its importance

Download Summary

You can download the summary result with one of any available formats such as PDF,DOCX and TXT

Permanent URL

ٌYou can share the summary link easily, we keep the summary on the website for future reference,except for private summaries.

Other Features

We are working on adding new features to make summarization more easy and accurate

Latest summaries

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