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I expect that technology will be the most important thing in life in the future.Among other things that I expect will happen in the future and change life for the better: inventing flying cars, building cities on other planets, saving endangered animals and plants, achieving equal education for all, inventing a device to facilitate communication between people who speak different languages, and switching to using clean energy.

Original text

I expect that technology will be the most important thing in life in the future. It will dominate most things. I expect that every household will have at least one robot. We will become dependent on robots to perform daily and simple tasks. Such as cooking, cleaning the house, shopping, and washing dishes. I also believe that robots in the future will have feelings. They may become able to interact and talk to us like humans. Moreover, I expect that there will be no schools and universities in the future. Students will learn from home. They will communicate with their teachers and fellow students through the internet. This will make life easier for students and their families. As for jobs, I expect that employees will work from their homes as well. Each employee will have a laptop to carry out his tasks. This means that people will not use paper in the future. Which will protect the trees and the environment. Among other things that I expect will happen in the future and change life for the better: inventing flying cars, building cities on other planets, saving endangered animals and plants, achieving equal education for all, inventing a device to facilitate communication between people who speak different languages, and switching to using clean energy.

I hope the future is bright. I hope that there will be peace in the world and everyone will be well. I aspire to contribute to a better future in the world. For this reason, I am thinking of becoming an inventor and inventing things that will benefit others. As for the present, I am preparing myself for a prosperous future by studying hard. In addition to developing my personal skills.

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