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Training for Data Quality Improvement
Improving data quality provides much of the return on investment for Data Governance and Data Stewardship.The framework includes how the organization defines quality data, how to define data quality rules, how to detect and document data quality issues, how to do root-cause analysis, the proper role of data cleansing, and ongoing logging of data quality levels.The principles of data profiling include the Business Data Steward's role in analyzing profiling results, investigating and making decisions based on the results, and establishing required levels of data quality based on the actual state of the data..They need to be taught the framework for data quality and the principles and processes involved with data profiling.However, many Business Data Stewards are not aware of the techniques and processes needed to drive this important activity.

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Training for Data Quality Improvement
Improving data quality provides much of the return on investment for Data Governance and Data Stewardship. However, many Business Data Stewards are not aware of the techniques and processes needed to drive this important activity. They need to be taught the framework for data quality and the principles and processes involved with data profiling. The framework includes how the organization defines quality data, how to define data quality rules, how to detect and document data quality issues, how to do root-cause analysis, the proper role of data cleansing, and ongoing logging of data quality levels. The principles of data profiling include the Business Data Steward’s role in analyzing profiling results, investigating and making decisions based on the results, and establishing required levels of data quality based on the actual state of the data..

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