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Health Sector Transformation Program

The program aims to restructure the health sector in the Kingdom to be a comprehensive, effective and integrated health system that is based on the health of the individual and society (including the citizen, the resident and the visitor).
The program depends on the principle of value-based care, which ensures transparency and financial sustainability by promoting public health and preventing diseases, in addition to applying the new model of care related to disease prevention. It also aims to improve access to health services through optimal coverage and a comprehensive and equitable geographical distribution, expanding the provision of e-health services and digital solutions, as well as improving the quality of health services. It will focus upon the satisfaction of beneficiaries by implementing and following the best evidence-based international standards, establishing and enabling integrated health care systems that cover all regions of the Kingdom by activating meaningful procurement of services and enhancing societal awareness of traffic and safety. The Health Sector Transformation Program also works on harmonizing and coordinating between all health sector entities, VRPs and relevant government entities, in addition to aligning and linking with strategic national goals during the transformation journey.

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Health Sector Transformation Program

The program aims to restructure the health sector in the Kingdom to be a comprehensive, effective and integrated health system that is based on the health of the individual and society (including the citizen, the resident and the visitor). The program depends on the principle of value-based care, which ensures transparency and financial sustainability by promoting public health and preventing diseases, in addition to applying the new model of care related to disease prevention. It also aims to improve access to health services through optimal coverage and a comprehensive and equitable geographical distribution, expanding the provision of e-health services and digital solutions, as well as improving the quality of health services. It will focus upon the satisfaction of beneficiaries by implementing and following the best evidence-based international standards, establishing and enabling integrated health care systems that cover all regions of the Kingdom by activating meaningful procurement of services and enhancing societal awareness of traffic and safety. The Health Sector Transformation Program also works on harmonizing and coordinating between all health sector entities, VRPs and relevant government entities, in addition to aligning and linking with strategic national goals during the transformation journey.

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