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Reading comprehension skill is a necessary skill for achieving academic learning success.College students are expected to have critical and analytical skills in comprehending academic texts and in searching for more academic information through different forms of reading materials such as textbooks, journals, papers, or electronic communications in order to gain additional knowledge.The major aim of reading comprehension is to help students develop the knowledge, skills and strategies they must possess to become proficient and independent readers who read with meaning.Most of them understand the information of the text; in other words, they are good at decoding the text but struggling to comprehend what the underlying meaning and purpose beyond the text are.It increases the enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally, and in a person's personal life.In this condition, scholars asserts that the reason why some students struggle is due to the lack of reading comprehension strategies used as parts of background knowledge.

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Reading comprehension skill is a necessary skill for achieving academic learning success. College students are expected to have critical and analytical skills in comprehending academic texts and in searching for more academic information through different forms of reading materials such as textbooks, journals, papers, or electronic communications in order to gain additional knowledge. However, not all students are good at comprehending the text being read. Most of them understand the information of the text; in other words, they are good at decoding the text but struggling to comprehend what the underlying meaning and purpose beyond the text are. In this condition, scholars asserts that the reason why some students struggle is due to the lack of reading comprehension strategies used as parts of background knowledge. The major aim of reading comprehension is to help students develop the knowledge, skills and strategies they must possess to become proficient and independent readers who read with meaning. This includes, building a strong sight vocabulary and decoding skills. Well, studying reading and comprehension is important for learning English as without proper comprehension skills, students lack the ability to understand what they read. The point of reading isn't to make sounds in your brain or out loud, but rather, to understand important lessons, stories and arguments. Through the act of writing, our ancestors have recorded important knowledge that we can understand simply by reading. By understanding what we read, we pick up important information, understand scientific theories, past opinions and new frontiers. Having excellent reading comprehension skills is crucial. It increases the enjoyment and effectiveness of reading and helps not only academically, but professionally, and in a person's personal life. Imagine, for example, that your boss gives you a complicated document: you can read the words, but you cannot understand what the document is telling you. What then, is the point of being able to 'read,' if it can't help you move forward? (Teaching reading and comprehension to English Learner, SELECT READING, by Linda Lee (fourteen chapters).

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