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12-year-old Sean Redden from Denton, Texas, was in on the Internet, playing a cyber fantasy world game. Suddenly someone came online, asking for help. The person said she was a Finnish business student who was locked in her college’s computer lab. She said she was having an asthma attack and couldn’t breathe.
Redden wasn’t sure if this was part of the game as sometimes a few people lie on the Net. However, as he later told the Dallas Morning News, he decided it was, “too real to be a joke.” So Redden called the police. With the additional help of international phone operators, Finnish paramedics found 20-year-old Tara Laintinen and gave her the medical attention she needed. Without the Internet and the efforts of a 12-year-old boy half a world away, she might not have survived

Original text

12-year-old Sean Redden from Denton, Texas, was in on the Internet, playing a cyber fantasy world game. Suddenly someone came online, asking for help. The person said she was a Finnish business student who was locked in her college’s computer lab. She said she was having an asthma attack and couldn’t breathe.
Redden wasn’t sure if this was part of the game as sometimes a few people lie on the Net. However, as he later told the Dallas Morning News, he decided it was, “too real to be a joke.” So Redden called the police. With the additional help of international phone operators, Finnish paramedics found 20-year-old Tara Laintinen and gave her the medical attention she needed. Without the Internet and the efforts of a 12-year-old boy half a world away, she might not have survived

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