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Interest rates: There is a direct relationship between interest rates and the opportunity cost of holding cash.Payment technology: Developments such as credit cards, mobile payments and online banking may reduce the need for cash.Even if cash is a small proportion of their total portfolio, as their wealth increases they may diversify into other assets such as stocks and bonds, increasing the amount of cash they have available for safety and liquidity.Higher interest rates make people less likely to hoard cash, since investing in alternative assets (such as bonds) can increase returns.Wealth: The wealthy typically have a broader portfolio of assets.Instead, they will invest in commodities such as real estate and inflation-linked bonds, which can provide protection against inflation.3.4.

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Interest rates: There is a direct relationship between interest rates and the opportunity cost of holding cash. Higher interest rates make people less likely to hoard cash, since investing in alternative assets (such as bonds) can increase returns. On the other hand, when interest rates are low, the opportunity cost of holding cash falls, increasing the demand for cash. 2- Income: The demand for money for trading usually rises as income rises. Even if some of their money is invested in other assets, people with higher incomes usually trade more and therefore keep more cash on hand to meet these needs. 3. Payment technology: Developments such as credit cards, mobile payments and online banking may reduce the need for cash. Easy access to non-cash payments will enable people to hold less cash and be able to make transactions quickly.

  1. Wealth: The wealthy typically have a broader portfolio of assets. Even if cash is a small proportion of their total portfolio, as their wealth increases they may diversify into other assets such as stocks and bonds, increasing the amount of cash they have available for safety and liquidity.

6- Inflation Risk: Inflation reduces the purchasing power of money. If the likelihood of inflation is high, people will be less willing to hoard money because it loses its real value over time. Instead, they will invest in commodities such as real estate and inflation-linked bonds, which can provide protection against inflation.

These factors affect the distribution of risk, return, and liquidity in investment portfolios.

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