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Powerful software made simple imaging product manual Why image after processing is necessary? @ Veprit Subscribe Tweet Share Recommend 35 basic photography concepts: Aperture, shutter spe Exposure Photography is all about light. Let the camera "see" what you wish for, you have tools up to the camera sensor: aperture control and shutter speed. With very little lic with lots of light, it will be very bright. In both cases, some details will be lost. You are to achieve proper exposure, taking into account some important side effects Imagine that you look through a small round hole in the fence. How much to see and understand? I would say that it depends on two factors: 1. What size hole. The larger the size, the more you see. 2. When to look. The more you look, the more details you notice. The same story occurs in the photo camera. I now pro bably risk to get his negative knowledge, which will unfortunately be very fair ... it seems that the conceptual comparison is quite adequate. When shooting with a photo camera called the scene through a hole in the aperture. The larger this aperture, the more light the sensor is closed by a curtain called the shutter. When shooting, the shutter opens, venerates the aperture slot, and then closes again. The longer the opening period, the greater the number of patrols called shutter speed.

Original text

Powerful software made simple imaging product manual Why image after processing is necessary? @ Veprit Subscribe Tweet Share Recommend 35 basic photography concepts: Aperture, shutter spe Exposure Photography is all about light. Let the camera "see" what you wish for, you have tools up to the camera sensor: aperture control and shutter speed. With very little lic with lots of light, it will be very bright. In both cases, some details will be lost. You are to achieve proper exposure, taking into account some important side effects Imagine that you look through a small round hole in the fence. How much to see and understand? I would say that it depends on two factors: 1. What size hole. The larger the size, the more you see. 2. When to look. The more you look, the more details you notice. The same story occurs in the photo camera. I now pro bably risk to get his negative knowledge, which will unfortunately be very fair ... it seems that the conceptual comparison is quite adequate. When shooting with a photo camera called the scene through a hole in the aperture. The larger this aperture, the more light the sensor is closed by a curtain called the shutter. When shooting, the shutter opens, venerates the aperture slot, and then closes again. The longer the opening period, the greater the number of patrols called shutter speed.

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