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Non-financial concerns has drawn its importance these days due to rapidly increasing competition, dynamic market changes and changing customer needs and wants.In concluding implementing these models in decision making and in the reporting process will give Panasonic Electronics Ltd.Panasonic Electronics Ltd.It's extremely important for Panasonic Electronics Ltd.Panasonic Electronics Ltd.After selling services is a collective term for attention to a transaction that normally takes place after the sale which includes installation, training, warranty-related repair and replacement part support.Aspects such as quality, customer satisfaction, volume drivers, after selling services, and environmental development also are included in decision making process.should focus on the volume drivers that could be both cost / revenue drivers such as number of employees, number of orders, number of hours, number of reports produced, etc.The ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network) is now encouraging the non-financial business reporting.the cutting edge and of course the competitive advantages to face their competitors.

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Non-financial concerns has drawn its importance these days due to rapidly increasing competition, dynamic market changes and changing customer needs and wants. Depending only on the financial concerns for decision making won't give the competitive edge to companies. Aspects such as quality, customer satisfaction, volume drivers, after selling services, and environmental development also are included in decision making process. The ICGN (International Corporate Governance Network) is now encouraging the non-financial business reporting. The non-financial business information when combined with financial information can provide valuable insight into the overall quality of management. Panasonic Electronics Ltd. should focus on the volume drivers that could be both cost / revenue drivers such as number of employees, number of orders, number of hours, number of reports produced, etc. This information will in the end help the management to figure out and understand the story behind each profits and costs and make any decision effectively. Another two aspects (quality and customer satisfaction) are connected to each other. The theory of attractive quality explains how the relationship between objective performance and customer satisfaction with an attribute depends on how customers evaluate a certain product or offering. The exposure and acceptance of the theory has increased over the past 25 years and the theory of attractive quality has been applied in strategic thinking, business planning, and service management. After selling services is a collective term for attention to a transaction that normally takes place after the sale which includes installation, training, warranty-related repair and replacement part support. It’s extremely important for Panasonic Electronics Ltd. to consider this aspect because of normally greater distance between sellers and buyers in international trade. In concluding implementing these models in decision making and in the reporting process will give Panasonic Electronics Ltd. the cutting edge and of course the competitive advantages to face their competitors. Panasonic Electronics Ltd. should adopt these models and understand the importance of non- financial concerns.

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