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Intravia et al. (2017) investigated whether the use of Facebook and Twitter causes fearful world syndrome.According to a study conducted by Williams and Fedorowicz (2019), a survey conducted among users who follow social media accounts of four different police agencies revealed that followers who view these accounts more frequently exhibit a more positive attitude towards the police over time.Social media platforms can serve as a platform for police agencies to share their day-to-day activities, provide the public with informative content on safety issues, and interact with the community.Krongard and Vogel (2020), on the other hand, primarily subjected the most watched Netflix original codes in 2015 to message system analysis.The findings revealed that Netflix, just like on television, heavily featured images of violence.In conclusion, in the age of new communication technologies, cultivation theory is a valuable tool for understanding individuals' interactions with technologies and the effects of these interactions on their social, cognitive and emotional development.This means that television programs are discussed on social media and viewers give feedback to these programs via Twitter.

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The place of training theory in the age of new communication technologies
Since the 1960s, when Gerbner formulated his cultivation theory, the world, and with it television, both as an institution and as a technology, has undergone a profound evolution.The study of Wei et al. (2021) investigated how Twitter users perceive tweets about certain brands and the effect of these tweets on brand attitudes.And among these studies:
Hermann (2006) examines the developmental role of Facebook in reducing racism while increasing positive attitudes towards minorities.The study by Tsay-Vogel et al. (2018) explored the nurturing role of Facebook on privacy attitudes and self-disclosure behaviors.Hermann et al. (2020) also discussed the role of primary and secondary caregivers using Facebook on the concept of incidental attachment.Large audiences no longer view basically the same content at the same time, leading to deep correlations between viewership and social concepts at the macro-cultural level.This study tries to understand the effects of social media on personal development by examining the privacy preferences and self-disclosure behaviors of Facebook users on the platform.Since social media platforms are an important marketing and communication tool for brands, this type of research can be useful in developing brand management and marketing strategies.This study is a study to understand how social media users' interactions with brands are shaped.
Intravia et al. (2017) investigated whether the use of Facebook and Twitter causes fearful world syndrome.According to a study conducted by Williams and Fedorowicz (2019), a survey conducted among users who follow social media accounts of four different police agencies revealed that followers who view these accounts more frequently exhibit a more positive attitude towards the police over time.Social media platforms can serve as a platform for police agencies to share their day-to-day activities, provide the public with informative content on safety issues, and interact with the community.Krongard and Vogel (2020), on the other hand, primarily subjected the most watched Netflix original codes in 2015 to message system analysis.The findings revealed that Netflix, just like on television, heavily featured images of violence.In conclusion, in the age of new communication technologies, cultivation theory is a valuable tool for understanding individuals' interactions with technologies and the effects of these interactions on their social, cognitive and emotional development.This means that television programs are discussed on social media and viewers give feedback to these programs via Twitter.

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