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The place is perfect, the weather is wonderful, but if you're with the wrong person, a vacation can be a disaster

Joe 28, a flight attendant Last October, I went on vacation to Thailand

for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia The vacation began well.For our last four days we went to Ko Chang, a beautiful island.We spent our last night back in Bangkok, and we met some travelers from Australia.It was awfull We argued about everything.It was like being in paradise.

Original text

The place is perfect, the weather is wonderful, but if you're with the wrong person, a vacation can be a disaster

Joe 28, a flight attendant Last October, I went on vacation to Thailand

for two weeks with my girlfriend, Mia The vacation began well. We spent two days in Bangkok and saw the Floating Market and the Royal Palace. But things went wrong when we left Bangkok.1 wanted to stay in hostels, which were basic but clean, but said they were too uncomfortable. So we stayed in very expensive hotels. wanted to experience the local atmosphere, but Mia just wanted to go shopping. thought knew Mia well, but you don't know a person until you travel with him or her. It was awfull We argued about everything.

For our last four days we went to Ko Chang, a beautiful island. It was like being in paradise. The weather was beautiful and the beaches were wonderful, but we just sunbathed without speaking. We spent our last night back in Bangkok, and we met some travelers from Australia. They were really friendly, and Mia started flirting with one of the boys. That was the end.

66 you don't know a person until you travel with him or her 99

When we arrived at O'Hare International Airport the next day, we decided to break up I took hundreds of photos, but when I got home didn't show them to anyone.

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