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Breastfeeding stands as a pivotal low-cost intervention to bolster perinatal health for several reasons:

1.**Economic Efficiency**: Breastfeeding proves cost-effective compared to formula feeding, thereby ensuring accessibility across diverse socio-economic strata and mitigating healthcare expenses associated with treating formula-fed infants [4].**Nutritional Superiority**: Breast milk offers a matchless blend of nutrients, antibodies, and bioactive compounds crucial for the infant's optimal growth and immune system development [1].

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Breastfeeding stands as a pivotal low-cost intervention to bolster perinatal health for several reasons:

  1. Nutritional Superiority: Breast milk offers a matchless blend of nutrients, antibodies, and bioactive compounds crucial for the infant's optimal growth and immune system development [1].

  2. Immunological Protection: Breastfeeding endows infants with passive immunity against infections and diseases, shielding them from respiratory, gastrointestinal, and other ailments [2].

  3. Psychological Bonding: The act of breastfeeding fosters a profound emotional connection between the mother and child, nurturing the infant's emotional well-being and sense of security [3].

  4. Economic Efficiency: Breastfeeding proves cost-effective compared to formula feeding, thereby ensuring accessibility across diverse socio-economic strata and mitigating healthcare expenses associated with treating formula-fed infants [4].

  5. Long-term Health Advantages: Breastfeeding confers enduring health benefits, such as a reduced risk of chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, and certain cancers for both the mother and child [5].

In essence, breastfeeding emerges as a paramount, low-cost strategy that not only bolsters perinatal health but also fosters holistic well-being for infants and mothers alike.

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