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Gold and Our flagship Almarai Academy is an established industry benchmark in offering general leadership programmes, topic-focused trainings, customized behavioral interventions and cross-divisional learning programmes.Keeping in line with the fast-paced world, all the leadership programmes have been delivered through a virtual platform, providing a real-time and engaging learning experience.The Academy provides a comprehensive suite of outstanding courses led by first-class professionals in a wide range of well researched, competitive and future-oriented specialty areas, such as Growth through Innovation, Strategic Thinking and Planning, Resilience and Agility, Change and Crisis Management, Digital Transformation and Finance Acumen for Non-Finance Professionals.The Academy successfully employs digital technologies to offer high-quality virtual learning opportunities that broaden our learning reach through provision of accessible and flexible learning experiences for diverse learners across the organization.Employees, at all levels and across all functions, also undergo on-the-job training with the aim to strengthen their capabilities in line with job dynamics and workflows, and broadly, the Company culture.This virtual learning environment has enabled us to bring our employees closer to the ever-changing technology trends and industry best practices, while still providing the required learning transfer in a cost effective, engaging way for all learners, regardless of their location.Virtual trainings replicate the fundamentals of face-to-face classroom trainings to an online experience, in real-time

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Gold and Our flagship Almarai Academy is an established industry benchmark in offering general leadership programmes, topic-focused trainings, customized behavioral interventions and cross-divisional learning programmes.Keeping in line with the fast-paced world, all the leadership programmes have been delivered through a virtual platform, providing a real-time and engaging learning experience.The Academy provides a comprehensive suite of outstanding courses led by first-class professionals in a wide range of well researched, competitive and future-oriented specialty areas, such as Growth through Innovation, Strategic Thinking and Planning, Resilience and Agility, Change and Crisis Management, Digital Transformation and Finance Acumen for Non-Finance Professionals.The Academy successfully employs digital technologies to offer high-quality virtual learning opportunities that broaden our learning reach through provision of accessible and flexible learning experiences for diverse learners across the organization.Employees, at all levels and across all functions, also undergo on-the-job training with the aim to strengthen their capabilities in line with job dynamics and workflows, and broadly, the Company culture.This virtual learning environment has enabled us to bring our employees closer to the ever-changing technology trends and industry best practices, while still providing the required learning transfer in a cost effective, engaging way for all learners, regardless of their location.Virtual trainings replicate the fundamentals of face-to-face classroom trainings to an online experience, in real-time

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