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The biological medicines or biopharmaceuticals, sometimes also called as the
development of pharmaceuticals has revolutionized the approach of diseases
treatment.CAR-T cell treatments for specific
tumours and gene therapies for genetic disorders like spinal muscular atrophy are the
well-known example (Arabi et al., 2022).In comparison to the conventional small-molecule medications, these
innovative and novel treatments are developed from living things or their byproducts,
such as nucleic acids, proteins, or cells, and they provide extremely well focused and
specialized methods of treatments (Moorkens et al., 2016).Therapeutic proteins like insulin and human growth hormone can now be produced
using Genetically engineered microorganisms or cell lines are utilized to produce the
therapeutic protein like human growth regulator and insulin due to this groundbreaking
discovery (Kumar, 2020).Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer laid the foundation for recombinant DNA technology
in the 1970s and credited to start the biomedicine industry (Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009).

Original text

The biological medicines or biopharmaceuticals, sometimes also called as the
development of pharmaceuticals has revolutionized the approach of diseases
treatment. In comparison to the conventional small-molecule medications, these
innovative and novel treatments are developed from living things or their byproducts,
such as nucleic acids, proteins, or cells, and they provide extremely well focused and
specialized methods of treatments (Moorkens et al., 2016).
Stanley Cohen and Herbert Boyer laid the foundation for recombinant DNA technology
in the 1970s and credited to start the biomedicine industry (Ferrer-Miralles et al., 2009).
Therapeutic proteins like insulin and human growth hormone can now be produced
using Genetically engineered microorganisms or cell lines are utilized to produce the
therapeutic protein like human growth regulator and insulin due to this groundbreaking
discovery (Kumar, 2020).
The biopharmaceutical discovery of the drug industry has come a long way over the
past 20 years due to the developments in computational biology, genomics, and
biotechnology. Monoclonal antibodies are incredibly selective immune proteins that are
designed to target specific molecules or cells. After the discovery biopharmaceutical
drug, lot of antibody-based treatments for the disease like cancer, autoimmune
diseases, and infectious diseases have been developed (Kaplon & Reichert, 2021).
In addition, the development of cells and therapies has opened new fields for
personalised medicine. Contemporary treatments involve modifying or introducing
foreign genetic material into the cells of the patient with the target of treating or
possibly curing such illness at the molecular level. CAR-T cell treatments for specific
tumours and gene therapies for genetic disorders like spinal muscular atrophy are the
well-known example (Arabi et al., 2022).
Despite the outstanding progress made in the biopharmaceutical drug research sector,
issues are persisted. These issues include the high costs associated with research and
development, complex regulatory frameworks, and the need for more targeted
therapies and improve and modified delivery strategies to optimise efficiency and
reduced the possible side effects (Mitragotri et al., 2014

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