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As cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike's 2018 Global Threat Report makes clear, attackers have easy access to more tools as the lines between state actors and criminal gangs fade.AI-enabled attack kits are on the way, and we can expect that they will be readily available at commodity prices in the next few years.

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As cybersecurity firm Crowdstrike’s 2018 Global Threat Report makes clear, attackers have easy access to more tools as the lines between state actors and criminal gangs fade. Malware and identity theft kits are easy to find and inexpensive to buy on dark web exchanges. AI-enabled attack kits are on the way, and we can expect that they will be readily available at commodity prices in the next few years.
Yet for all the inherent risk AI presents, part of the answer might lie in harnessing the power of AI itself to strengthen existing cybersecurity set-ups. Our experience shows that companies can begin to protect their systems by integrating AI into their security, starting now.

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