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Act two begins with Kristine Linde coming to visit Nora and help her fix up the costume she is supposed to wear to the party.Nora tells Kristine about the letter in the mailbox, and Kristine realizes that it was Krogstad who loaned Nora the money.She wants her to go to Krogstad and convince him to ask for his letter back from Torvald before Torvald reads it. Nora tries to distract Torvald by asking him to help her practice the tarantella, When he finally leaves the room, Kristine tells Nora that Krogstad has left town and won't be back until the next evening.Torvald goes into his study to work, and Dr. Rank arrives.

Original text

Act two begins with Kristine Linde coming to visit Nora and help her fix up the costume she is supposed to wear to the party.Nora tells Kristine about the letter in the mailbox, and Kristine realizes that it was Krogstad who loaned Nora the money.She wants her to go to Krogstad and convince him to ask for his letter back from Torvald before Torvald reads it. Nora tries to distract Torvald by asking him to help her practice the tarantella, When he finally leaves the room, Kristine tells Nora that Krogstad has left town and won't be back until the next evening.Torvald goes into his study to work, and Dr. Rank arrives. Nora thinks about telling him her secret and asking him for the money, but then Dr. Rank decides to tell Nora that he has always liked her character. She told him about the party and how she is working on for it.Her husband arrives home, so she sends Kristine off to see the children.She tries to talk to Torvald about not firing Krogstad, but he has already decided.She told him about the party and how she is working on for it.

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