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In my opinion, beauty is not only inner beauty, but also outer beauty.Your skin, hair, and body shape are all visual elements that contribute to (or detract from) your outer beauty.Some of us may be born more beautiful than others, with complete characteristics (if that is true, because beauty is relative), but what benefit does that beauty have if this person does not deal kindly and does not have good morals?These may seem superficial, but not only do they encourage people to make instant judgments about us, they are also important because your appearance helps determine how you feel.

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In my opinion, beauty is not only inner beauty, but also outer beauty.
Some of us may be born more beautiful than others, with complete characteristics (if that is true, because beauty is relative), but what benefit does that beauty have if this person does not deal kindly and does not have good morals? What benefit does the whiteness of his face do if his heart is black? Whoever does not have a good soul and a pure, clear essence, his face is nothing more than a golden necklace. ; If your inside is beautiful, your appearance will shine too.
What is the benefit of bragging about external beauty, when there is no internal beauty to talk about?

Our outer beauty comes from our parents, mother and father. But our inner beauty comes from our life experience, it is the growth of consciousness. Let's not forget that our outer beauty will not necessarily be a reflection of inner beauty, and therefore, the inner appearance will not always match the outer appearance.

Your skin, hair, and body shape are all visual elements that contribute to (or detract from) your outer beauty. These may seem superficial, but not only do they encourage people to make instant judgments about us, they are also important because your appearance helps determine how you feel.

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