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Operation processes
The operation process is described as the organizational technique for accomplishing a task and consists of four distinct major activities, which include planning, preparing, executing and assessing (Fan, Lin, Ji, Zhou, & Chen, 2018).Moreover, the company has utilized the AI technology of automation, robot and large-scale die casting, and addictive manufacturing and also used new and innovative ideas in their operational process (Dash, McMurtrey, Rebman, & Kar, 2019).The theory includes six vital factors in developing the operations of the business, which include defining the procedures, analyzing the process, identification of opportunities, designing the future state, developing of future state and implementing changes (Han, Huang, & Macbeth, 2018).In this context, the business process redesign is described as the overhaul of the key business process of an organization which includes the objectives of attaining desired performance measures like return on investments (ROI), cost reduction and quality of service (Fowler, Kim, & Shunk, 2019).In terms of the operational process of Tesla, it is identified that the strategy of direct selling has been implemented to restructure the entire procedure, which helps in spreading awareness about the newly launched car models among the targeted customers (Tesla, 2022).

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Operation processes
The operation process is described as the organizational technique for accomplishing a task and consists of four distinct major activities, which include planning, preparing, executing and assessing (Fan, Lin, Ji, Zhou, & Chen, 2018). In this context, the business process redesign is described as the overhaul of the key business process of an organization which includes the objectives of attaining desired performance measures like return on investments (ROI), cost reduction and quality of service (Fowler, Kim, & Shunk, 2019).
The theory includes six vital factors in developing the operations of the business, which include defining the procedures, analyzing the process, identification of opportunities, designing the future state, developing of future state and implementing changes (Han, Huang, & Macbeth, 2018). In terms of the operational process of Tesla, it is identified that the strategy of direct selling has been implemented to restructure the entire procedure, which helps in spreading awareness about the newly launched car models among the targeted customers (Tesla, 2022). On the other hand, the company has defined the business process by implementing the direct selling strategy in which they have opened stores all over the world, including UAE (Ker, Sen, & Rajendran, 2019). However, with the implementation of a direct selling strategy, Tesla has become successful in achieving cost reduction and higher return on investment. The operation process of Tesla is primarily based on the revolution of the manufacturing process, which is characterized by the development of technologies. Moreover, the company has utilized the AI technology of automation, robot and large-scale die casting, and addictive manufacturing and also used new and innovative ideas in their operational process (Dash, McMurtrey, Rebman, & Kar, 2019). Moreover, Tesla has renewed their efforts for the expansion of business in the international platforms in UAE and has aimed to tap the rising transnational demand for electric vehicles. It has targeted the Arabian market for the diversification of revenue streams and has successfully opened its store in Dubai. Furthermore, in the operational process of Tesla, it has opened its online design studio through which the Arabian people are able to make orders for Tesla cars with Model S and Model X vehicles in the UAE (Koberg & Longoni, 2019). The company has also focused on enabling its autonomous driving feature of cars in Dubai and made investments in the infrastructure of electric vehicles in the UAE. Tesla has implemented two supercharger stations in the country, which enables drivers to charge their vehicles in a minimum time (Tesla, 2022).

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