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Other things that are "baser" may die
and rot, but he insists that by writing this poem, he will immortalize her so
that long after her death, even the heavens will remember her "glorious"
name. In this point he is now not speaking of her natural beauty, but her
spiritual "loveliness".He seeks to immortalize not the physical beauty of the
beloved, but those spiritual qualities of her spiritual beauty.The poet's love for his lady is so great that he refuses to accept what she has
said, and struggles to prove her wrong.

Original text

Edmund Spencer Sonnet 75

General Meaning

Edmund Spenser's "One Day I Wrote Her Name," is a fourteen-line sonnet
written about a woman he loves so much but he cannot marry her. He tries
to eternalize her in his poetry, so that she will live on forever.
The first four lines show the futility of life—or love—tasting forever, like
writing in the sand. The speaker says that he does this: writing his
sweetheart’s love in the sand, but that the waves come and wash it away
twice, the first time by his right hand and then by the left. This is a challenge
to the law of nature. The poet tries to defy the movements of the waves that
try to wipe out the name of his beloved. Hence, the poet tries to challenge
death presented here by the sea.

In the next four lines, the speaker's lady tells him that his attempt will be in
vain to immortalize her. She points out that one day she will die and her
body will fall to decay as all living things must, in that moment, she says her
name will be lost, wiped out as the wave erases the letters in the sand. In
essence, she is telling him to "pull himself together: this is the way of life
and death".

The poet's love for his lady is so great that he refuses to accept what she has
said, and struggles to prove her wrong. Other things that are "baser" may die
and rot, but he insists that by writing this poem, he will immortalize her so
that long after her death, even the heavens will remember her "glorious"
name. In this point he is now not speaking of her natural beauty, but her
spiritual "loveliness". He seeks to immortalize not the physical beauty of the
beloved, but those spiritual qualities of her spiritual beauty.

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