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Joseph Lister's method, based on the use of
antiseptics, is no longer employed, his principle
that bacteria must never gain entry into an
operation wound, remains the basis of surgery to
this day.Having observed the
marked difference in morbidity and mortality
between simple and compound fractures, he
postulated that infection came from exposure to
the air in compound fractures without the
protection of the skin.He began his antiseptic
method with compound fracture wounds because
the standard treatment of amputation was always
available should his method fail.Lister made many alterations to his method of
wound care, and the iconic carbolic acid spray
was only 1 part of the evolution of antisepsis.

Original text

Joseph Lister's method, based on the use of
antiseptics, is no longer employed, his principle
that bacteria must never gain entry into an
operation wound, remains the basis of surgery to
this day. Although asepsis and sterile technique
have replaced antisepsis as the primary principle
in combating infection, it was Lister's
application of germ theory to the care of surgical
patients that laid the foundation for what
surgeons do now. He directed the minds of
physicians and surgeons to the vital necessity of
keeping wounds clean and free of contamination.
Lister made many alterations to his method of
wound care, and the iconic carbolic acid spray
was only 1 part of the evolution of antisepsis. He
applied carbolic acid compounds as an antiseptic
on surgical wounds. Having observed the
marked difference in morbidity and mortality
between simple and compound fractures, he
postulated that infection came from exposure to
the air in compound fractures without the
protection of the skin. He began his antiseptic
method with compound fracture wounds because
the standard treatment of amputation was always
available should his method fail. Furthermore, he
presented a series of findings and improvements
that made it possible to perform more complex
internal operations. To sum up, Joseph Lister
remains an inspiration for surgeons today
because his introduction of carbolic acid for
sterilization made surgeries much safer and
reduced death rate from 45% to 15%

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