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2.3 Importance of Business Intelligence!It plays a key role in strategic planning and decision making of organizations by adjust performance advancement towards business goals (pertain company, departments, employees, customers and other areas of business), reporting and data sharing and identifying customer insights.BI system proffer historical, present, and predictive and future expectations views or thoughts of business operations or business data (applications sales, production, financial, and other sources)."Conducting global market research, tracking your competitors worldwide, acquiring new sales leads and evaluating opportunities, including finding new sources of supply on a brand new product idea, are all essential to good business practice".(Delaney, 2018,para 1.)

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2.3 Importance of Business Intelligence!
It plays a key role in strategic planning and decision making of organizations by adjust performance advancement towards business goals (pertain company, departments, employees, customers and other areas of business), reporting and data sharing and identifying customer insights. You may lose valuable and influential opportunities without this technology program, and in other side, you will put your organizations success path on bridge of gold. BI system proffer historical, present, and predictive and future expectations views or thoughts of business operations or business data (applications sales, production, financial, and other sources).

BI software makes it possible for decision makers to access, analyze, and realize business information so can implement and carry on their organization to onward advance. Every organization put in the spot the competitive advantage to adapt quickly to their changing environment and events, which is adjust with business performance management, therefore the BI provide effectively the technic of benchmarking (gathered information about other companies in the same industry).
If you use operative business intelligence performs in your organization, you will be able to improve the decision making process at overall levels of management competitive and improve your planned management process strategy in the same field. “Conducting global market research, tracking your competitors worldwide, acquiring new sales leads and evaluating opportunities, including finding new sources of supply on a brand new product idea, are all essential to good business practice”. (Delaney, 2018,para 1.)

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