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Customers are increasingly choosing online shopping as their preferred method of shopping.Customers can buy goods or services from vendors via the Internet by shopping online with the aid of an internet browser or a mobile app (John, E. 2019).Nowadays, practically everyone uses social media, therefore businesses that sell goods like clothing, cosmetics, and shoes have learnt to attract potential customers by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like Instagram.Due to the many advantages of online shopping, such as less complicated transactions and cheaper prices when compared to other methods of shopping, e-commerce has grown significantly over the past few years.The possibilities of Instagram's online market place will be swiftly expanded in response to shifting consumer needs.

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Customers are increasingly choosing online shopping as their preferred method of shopping. This actual innovation in retailing offers a wide range of company options as well as a sizable market in addition to offering a huge quantity and variety of goods to potential customers. In addition to being a platform for selling things to clients or acting as an online marketplace, social media is now seen as a platform that helps people present themselves online. Due to its many advantages and benefits, more individuals today say they prefer online shopping to buying in brick and mortar businesses. Online shopping & online marketing are examples of how technology (computers) is used to provide better advertising. Customers can buy goods or services from vendors via the Internet by shopping online with the aid of an internet browser or a mobile app (John, E. 2019).
The possibilities of Instagram's online market place will be swiftly expanded in response to shifting consumer needs. Nowadays, practically everyone uses social media, therefore businesses that sell goods like clothing, cosmetics, and shoes have learnt to attract potential customers by utilizing cutting-edge technologies like Instagram. Due to the many advantages of online shopping, such as less complicated transactions and cheaper prices when compared to other methods of shopping, e-commerce has grown significantly over the past few years. Anyone can order a variety of goods or services more quickly, with more options, and for less money through online shopping.

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