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There were no restrictions on the mobility of people in the late of 19th century across national boundaries during the periods 1870 &1914, 50 million people left Europe and 2/3 go to US and the other 1/3 to canda, Australia, newzealand.

Original text

There were no restrictions on the mobility of people in the late of 19th century across national boundaries during the periods 1870 &1914, 50 million people left Europe and 2/3 go to US and the other 1/3 to canda, Australia, newzealand. Now industrialised countries import manufactured goods that embody scarce labor the;- first phase of globalization characterised by the integrated of market through exchange of goods which facilitied by the movement of capital &labour through national boundaries. The second phase ;- characterised by the integration of production with linkage which deeper &wider in reflect the organization economic activity across national boundaries as well as the movement of goods, services, capital, technology and information.

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