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Brittney Griner and her harshest confession: she thought about committing suicide in jail.wnba star Brittney Griner has bravely shared her harrowing experience of contemplating suicide during her tumultuous detention in a Russian jail following her arrest on drug-related charges in 2022."They made me write this letter. It was in Russian. I had to ask for forgiveness and thanks from their so-called great leader. I didn't want to do it, but at the same time I wanted to come home.Griner's eventual release came only after a high-stakes diplomatic exchange, with the WNBA star exchanged for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout. Yet, even in her moment of liberation, Griner's relief was tinged with disappointment, as she boarded the plane for her return to the U.S. without fellow detainee Paul Whelan.I walked on and didn't see him, maybe he's next. Maybe they will bring him next," she noted."I wanted to take my life more than once in the first weeks," Griner told Robin Roberts.I felt like leaving here so badly.""They closed the door and I was like, are you serious? You're not going to let this man come home now."

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Brittney Griner and her harshest confession: she thought about committing suicide in jail.wnba star Brittney Griner has bravely shared her harrowing experience of contemplating suicide during her tumultuous detention in a Russian jail following her arrest on drug-related charges in 2022.

Her forthcoming memoir, "Coming Home," slated for release on May 7, promises to offer further insight into her traumatic experience.
In an emotional hour-long interview aired on ABC, Griner spoke candidly for the first time about her ordeal, shedding light on the anguish and despair she endured during her monthslong detention.

Griner discusses her time in Russian jail
Griner's nightmare began upon her arrival at a Moscow airport, where Russian authorities allegedly discovered vape cartridges containing cannabis-derived oil in her luggage.The ensuing detention plunged Griner into a desperate struggle for survival, compounded by the looming specter of suicide as she grappled with the grim reality of her incarceration.

"I wanted to take my life more than once in the first weeks," Griner told Robin Roberts.I felt like leaving here so badly."

"They made me write this letter. It was in Russian. I had to ask for forgiveness and thanks from their so-called great leader. I didn't want to do it, but at the same time I wanted to come home.Griner's eventual release came only after a high-stakes diplomatic exchange, with the WNBA star exchanged for Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout.

Yet, even in her moment of liberation, Griner's relief was tinged with disappointment, as she boarded the plane for her return to the U.S. without fellow detainee Paul Whelan.I walked on and didn't see him, maybe he's next. Maybe they will bring him next," she noted.

"They closed the door and I was like, are you serious? You're not going to let this man come home now."

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