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Cardiac Glycosides O Digoxin Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside medication that has been used for centuries to treat heart failure .It has three effects on heart muscle : positive inotropic action ( increases contractility , stroke volume and , thus , cardiac output ) , negative chronotropic action ( decreases heart rate ) , and negative dromotropic action ( decrease conduction of cardiac cells ) .

Original text

Cardiac Glycosides O Digoxin Digoxin is a cardiac glycoside medication that has been used for centuries to treat heart failure . It has three effects on heart muscle : positive inotropic action ( increases contractility , stroke volume and , thus , cardiac output ) , negative chronotropic action ( decreases heart rate ) , and negative dromotropic action ( decrease conduction of cardiac cells ) . Mechanism of Action Digoxin works by inhibiting the sodium and potassium pump , which results in an increase in intracellular sodium and an influx of calcium into cardiac cells , causing the cardiac muscle fibers to contract more efficiently and increase cardiac output . Indications for Use This medication is used as second - line treatment for patients who have heart failure or atrial fibrillation . Due to the risk for digoxin toxicity , the clinical use of digoxin has decreased and alternative , safer medications are being used .

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