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Everything present around us is our environment."humans in the search of progress have forgotten its value and importance. We are constantly degrading and destroying it. Human activity are the root cause of environmental imbalance. The pollution has lowered the quality of all natural components of environment. The depletion of azane layer, green house effect, climate. change the very and global warming are issues with which environ- ment is suffering from. In last five decades human have polluted air, water and sail to a extent. large change and If human activities continue to exist like this, then that day is not far away when there will be no more. Even the at all living very existence of all living forms will be wiped away. Besides, what environment has done for us in return we have only degraded it. It is true that we
can not can take It is because repay environment but we some steps to save it. our duty to save trees trees provides us oxygen and purify the air present in environment and help regulate the balance of earth."We all need to contribute to save by planting trees, saving trees, saving water reducing plastic usage and by saving all natural resources.Environment plays ?

Original text

Everything present around us is our environment. It includes all living and non-living things in our surr- oundings. The life of humans and animals is entirely dependent on environment. Environment plays а major role in giving birth to a new life, in the growth of a life, survival of the life and the over-all well-I -being of any life. It provides us with fresh air that we breathe water that we drink, food that we eat and almost all the resources for our survival. Environment also provides us with several other natural resources that are very important. Natural resources are the resources that environment gives us naturally without we creating it. It includes sunlight, atmosphere, land, water, plants, animals sea life, minerals, different species and everything that accurs naturally on earth. It provides us with the resources such as fuels, metals and most forms of energy We to use. "humans in the search of progress have forgotten its value and importance. We are constantly degrading and destroying it. Human activity are the root cause of environmental imbalance. The pollution has lowered the quality of all natural components of environment. The depletion of azane layer, green house effect, climate. change the very and global warming are issues with which environ- ment is suffering from. In last five decades human have polluted air, water and sail to a extent. large change and If human activities continue to exist like this, then that day is not far away when there will be no more. Even the at all living very existence of all living forms will be wiped away. Besides, what environment has done for us in return we have only degraded it. It is true that we
can not can take It is because repay environment but we some steps to save it. our duty to save trees trees provides us oxygen and purify the air present in environment and help regulate the balance of earth." We need to plant new trees and stop deforestation to save it and to make it healthy. the balance of earth. We need to plant new trees and stop deforestation to save it and to make it healthy. Instead of burning fossil fuels and using non- renewable resources let's switch to Eco-friendly energy sources and say No pollution The most effective way to save Lit is to spread awareness. We all need to contribute to save by planting trees, saving trees, saving water reducing plastic usage and by saving all natural resources.

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