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The article discusses the role of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) of B-cell lymphoma, a group of hematological malignancies with variable features and behaviors.NK cells with CD3-CD56+ and/or CD16+ markers were found to have antitumorigenic functions, with low baseline peripheral blood NK cell count associated with shorter PFS in DLBCL and FL. Additionally, TANs and T cells were also found to have either pro-tumorigenic or antitumorigenic effects in various lymphomas based on markers and detection methods used in the study.The TME consists of various elements like blood vessels, extracellular matrix, immune cells, and signaling molecules, which can either inhibit or promote tumor progression.The interplay between immune cells and tumor cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) is crucial for understanding the pathogenesis and progression of B-cell lymphoma and developing therapeutic strategies.The complex interactions between immune cells and tumor cells in the TME have implications for B-cell lymphoma prognosis, highlighting the importance of immune cell modulation in developing effective treatment strategies.Some immune cells in the TME can be activated to support tumor growth, influenced by factors like cellular matrix and secreted molecules.Immune cells such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) play a significant role in tumor progression, drug resistance, and recurrence in B-cell lymphoma.TAMs can be classified into antitumor (M1) and pro-tumor (M2) macrophages, with M2-like TAMs contributing to tumor progression by producing cytokines and growth factors.

Original text

The article discusses the role of immune cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) of B-cell lymphoma, a group of hematological malignancies with variable features and behaviors. The TME consists of various elements like blood vessels, extracellular matrix, immune cells, and signaling molecules, which can either inhibit or promote tumor progression. Immunosuppressive and immune-activated cells within the TME play a crucial role in B-cell lymphoma development and prognosis. The article explores the interaction between immune cells and tumor cells, highlighting their potential as targets for anti-cancer therapy. It discusses the use of immunotherapy and targeted therapy to manipulate immune cells for better treatment outcomes. The review emphasizes the importance of understanding immune cell dynamics in the TME for developing effective therapeutic strategies in B-cell lymphoma. The study was conducted by researchers from multiple departments in hospitals and academies in China. The article is open access and published under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0. The research contributes to advancing the understanding and treatment of B-cell lymphoma through the manipulation of immune cells in the TME.
Lymphoma is a diverse group of diseases affecting the lymphatic system and is the most common hematological malignancy, divided into Hodgkin's lymphoma and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. B-cell lymphoma constitutes a majority of cases and has various treatment options, including chemotherapy and stem cell transplantation. However, some patients do not respond well to standard treatments. The tumor microenvironment (TME) plays a crucial role in the development of lymphoma, with immune cells within the TME influencing tumor progression. Understanding and targeting these immune cells hold promise for improving treatment outcomes. The TME of B-cell lymphoma consists of both cellular (such as T cells, B cells, and macrophages) and non-cellular components. Research focusing on the interactions between these components and tumor cells is essential for developing innovative therapies. This study provides an overview of immune cells in the TME and their impact on B-cell lymphoma, highlighting potential strategies for therapeutic targeting. By targeting the TME, novel treatment approaches may offer significant advancements in managing B-cell lymphoma. Proper citation and permission are required for downloading and sharing this work, with no alterations or commercial usage allowed without journal approval.
The interplay between immune cells and tumor cells in the tumor microenvironment (TME) is crucial for understanding the pathogenesis and progression of B-cell lymphoma and developing therapeutic strategies. Some immune cells in the TME can be activated to support tumor growth, influenced by factors like cellular matrix and secreted molecules. Immune cells such as tumor-associated macrophages (TAMs) play a significant role in tumor progression, drug resistance, and recurrence in B-cell lymphoma. TAMs can be classified into antitumor (M1) and pro-tumor (M2) macrophages, with M2-like TAMs contributing to tumor progression by producing cytokines and growth factors. Tumor cells can manipulate TAMs towards a pro-tumor phenotype through various signaling molecules. Understanding the markers and functions of immune cells in the TME and their relationship with prognosis is essential for identifying potential therapeutic targets. The complex interactions between immune cells and tumor cells in the TME have implications for B-cell lymphoma prognosis, highlighting the importance of immune cell modulation in developing effective treatment strategies.
The Chinese Medical Journal 2024 explored markers and functions of immune cells and their relationship with the tumor microenvironment (TME) characteristics and prognosis. TAMs with CD68+ and CD163+ markers were found to have pro-tumorigenic functions, correlating with poor survival in DLBCL. However, PD-L1+CD68+ TAMs were associated with favorable survival in PTL. MDSCs, including G-MDSCs and M-MDSCs, were found to be pro-tumorigenic in various lymphomas. T cells like PD-1+ TILs were found to have antitumorigenic functions in DLBCL and PCNS-DLBCL, correlating with prolonged survival. LAG3+ T cells were identified as mediators of immunosuppression in cHL. NK cells with CD3-CD56+ and/or CD16+ markers were found to have antitumorigenic functions, with low baseline peripheral blood NK cell count associated with shorter PFS in DLBCL and FL. Additionally, TANs and T cells were also found to have either pro-tumorigenic or antitumorigenic effects in various lymphomas based on markers and detection methods used in the study.

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