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While looking for a good place to snowboard, Le Marque lost his way and ended up in the wilderness at the back of the mountain.For days, Le Marque struggled through hunger, freezing temperatures, and 12-foot (4-meter) deep snow.After being fitted with artificial limbs, he vowed to go snowboarding again.Knowing that eating snow lowers body temperature, Le Marque ate only tree bark and pine seeds.By the eighth day, Le Marque was so weak and his legs were so frostbitten that he could no longer walk or even stand.Le Marque was at the point of exhaustion and death when he was found by rescuers in a helicopter.Using this radio reception as a guide, Le Marque switched direction and started walking towards safety

and, ultimately, rescue.He recalls thinking, "The game is over. Let's reset it. I give up."Although he lost his legs to frostbite, Le Marque's survival experience left him with more of an appetite for life than ever before.Le Marque, who had expected to just be out for a couple of hours, had no food, very few supplies, and his cell phone battery was dead.All he had was a seemingly useless pocket radio.Unfortunately, he chose the wrong direction and, over the next few days, moved farther and farther away from safety and rescue.After a few days Le Marque had an idea that may have saved his life.He turned the pocket radio into a kind of compass.

Original text

While looking for a good place to snowboard, Le Marque lost his way and ended up in the wilderness at the back of the mountain. Le Marque, who had expected to just be out for a couple of hours, had no food, very few supplies, and his cell phone battery was dead. All he had was a seemingly useless pocket radio. Once he realized he was lost, he decided to keep moving. Unfortunately, he chose the wrong direction and, over the next few days, moved farther and farther away from safety and rescue. Knowing that eating snow lowers body temperature, Le Marque ate only tree bark and pine seeds.

After a few days Le Marque had an idea that may have saved his life. He turned the pocket radio into a kind of compass. He noticed that whenever he pointed the radio in a certain direction, the reception for a local radio station grew stronger. Using this radio reception as a guide, Le Marque switched direction and started walking towards safety

and, ultimately, rescue.

For days, Le Marque struggled through hunger, freezing temperatures, and 12-foot (4-meter) deep snow. By the eighth day, Le Marque was so weak and his legs were so frostbitten that he could no longer walk or even stand. He was in such bad condition that he began hallucinating that his situation was just a video game. He recalls thinking, "The game is over. Let's reset it. I give up." Le Marque was at the point of exhaustion and death when he was found by rescuers in a helicopter. Although he lost his legs to frostbite, Le Marque's survival experience left him with more of an appetite for life than ever before. After being fitted with artificial limbs, he vowed to go snowboarding again. Only in the future, he plans to be inuch better prepared.

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