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I) Health Belief Model: The Health Belief Model is a paradigm used to predict and explain health behavior based on the Value-Expectancy Theory and Lewin's Theory.Cognitive- perceptual factors include (1) the individual's perceptions, (2) the importance of health, (3) the perceived self-efficacy or conviction that one can carry out behavior to achieve desired outcome, (4) the definition of health, (5) the perceived health status, (6) the perceived benefits of health promoting behavior, and (7) the perceived barriers to health promotion actions.Behavioral factors-previous experience with behaviors that promoted well-being, gaining of necessary knowledge or skill

Cues to action or variables affecting the likelihood of the person's initiating or maintaining health behaviors may be of internal or external origin.Which emphasizes the importance of cognitive mediating processes in the regulation of behavior is categorized into cognitive-perceptual
factors, modifying factors, and variables affecting the likelihood of actions.External cues include conversations with others about their efforts and resulting success; support of significant others; mass media problems about health; family health status; and environmental variables on the level of readiness of the person, family, or group to follow health promotion activity.The Health Belief Model states that the client's perception of health states and risk of disease and the person's probability for taking appropriate health care actions depend on the person's value of health, perceptions about disease, perceived threat of disease, perceptions about the medical team and therapy plans, past experience, contact with risk factors, level of participation in regular health care, life aspirations, and various motivating factors in the environment.Perceptions are modified by:
(1) demographic variables of age, sex, race, and ethnicity;
(2) socio psychologic variables of personality, social class, or peer pressure;
(3) structural variables such as knowledge about the disease and personal contact wish the disease.The Health Belief Model, developed in the early 1950s, (1) explains why some people who are well take action to avoid illness but others fail to do so; (2) predicts persons who will use preventive measures; and (3) presents interventions that might increase participation in health-protecting or prevention behaviors.He believed perceptions about the susceptibility to illness and about seriousness of the illness affect whether the person denies illness, engages in primary prevention, or seeks early treatment.Action to prevent illness and the perceived way to treat disease are also affected cues to action, including the mass media campaigns, advice from others, reminder postcards from health care professionals, illness of a family member or friend, and newspaper or magazine articles.Interpersonal influences-expectations of significant others, family patterns of health care, interactions with health professionals 4.These factors are the primary motivational factors for initiating and maintaining health promotion behavior.

Original text

I) Health Belief Model: The Health Belief Model is a paradigm used to predict and explain health behavior based on the Value-Expectancy Theory and Lewin's Theory. Beliefs, attitudes, values, and knowledge contribute to motivation and underlie any decisions to change behavior. Lewin conceptualized that some regions of the person's life space have negative value or valence, and others are neutral. Disease has a negative valence and is expected to exert a force to move the person toward health behaviors.

The Health Belief Model, developed in the early 1950s, (1) explains why some people who are well take action to avoid illness but others fail to do so; (2) predicts persons who will use preventive measures; and (3) presents interventions that might increase participation in health-protecting or prevention behaviors.

The Health Belief Model states that the client's perception of health states and risk of disease and the person's probability for taking appropriate health care actions depend on the person's value of health, perceptions about disease, perceived threat of disease, perceptions about the medical team and therapy plans, past experience, contact with risk factors, level of participation in regular health care, life aspirations, and various motivating factors in the environment. The model does not specify which interventions to use to improve the likelihood of someone following health care and preventive actions. The provider and client negotiate which interventions are appropriate. Becker modified the model. He believed perceptions about the susceptibility to illness and about seriousness of the illness affect whether the person denies illness, engages in primary prevention, or seeks early treatment.

Perceptions are modified by:
(1) demographic variables of age, sex, race, and ethnicity;
(2) socio psychologic variables of personality, social class, or peer pressure;
(3) structural variables such as knowledge about the disease and personal contact wish the disease.

Action to prevent illness and the perceived way to treat disease are also affected cues to action, including the mass media campaigns, advice from others, reminder postcards from health care professionals, illness of a family member or friend, and newspaper or magazine articles.

  1. Health promotion Model: The Health promotion Model developed by Pender derives from social learning theory. Which emphasizes the importance of cognitive mediating processes in the regulation of behavior is categorized into cognitive-perceptual
    factors, modifying factors, and variables affecting the likelihood of actions. Cognitive- perceptual factors include (1) the individual's perceptions, (2) the importance of health, (3) the perceived self-efficacy or conviction that one can carry out behavior to achieve desired outcome, (4) the definition of health, (5) the perceived health status, (6) the perceived benefits of health promoting behavior, and (7) the perceived barriers to health promotion actions. These factors are the primary motivational factors for initiating and maintaining health promotion behavior.

Modifying factors that influence health promotion behavior to varying degrees include the following: 1. Demographic variables-age, gender, race/ethnicity, education, income 2. Biologic characteristics- weight, size 3. Interpersonal influences-expectations of significant others, family patterns of health care, interactions with health professionals 4. Situational factors-access health promotion services and alternatives, environmental to constraints in health behavior 5. Behavioral factors-previous experience with behaviors that promoted well-being, gaining of necessary knowledge or skill

Cues to action or variables affecting the likelihood of the person's initiating or maintaining health behaviors may be of internal or external origin. Important internal cues are personal awareness of the potential of growth or increased feelings of well- being from beginning health promotion efforts. External cues include conversations with others about their efforts and resulting success; support of significant others; mass media problems about health; family health status; and environmental variables on the level of readiness of the person, family, or group to follow health promotion activity. cues include conversations

  1. Resource Model of Preventive Health Behavior: The Resource Model of Preventive Health Behavior has been proposed by Kulbok. The model hypothesizes that people act in ways to maximize their "stock in health." The greater the social and health resources of the person, the more frequent are theperformance of preventive behaviors. Social resources are education level and family income. Health resources are (1) health status, (2) energy level, (3) concern about health, (4) feelings about independence in caring for self, (5) participation social groups and religious services, (6) number and closeness of friends and relatives, and (7) general psycho logic well-being. Preventive health behaviors include diet, physical activity, sleeping, dental hygiene, use of seatbelts, and use of professional services. The model explains some preventive health behaviors.

  2. Human Ecologic Model: Shaver describes the components of the Human Ecologic Model in explaining health-wellness status. She uses a biopsychosocial approach. Personal factors that affect health include lifestyle, stress management, affiliation with others, and involvement in healthful activities. Sense of well-being, mood state, and cognitive performance can affect personal behaviors. Environmental factors such as social support, cultural norms, space, time perspectives, energy exchange, and life events affect and are affected by personal behaviors and health status. Host factors such as personality, gender, age, cognitive ability, and physiologic regulation affect and are affected by personal behaviors and health status. Activities of daily living, signs and symptoms of disease and sense of personal control influence host factors and environmental factors. Thus, all biopsychosocial components are interrelated and interdependent. This integrated, holistic view has considerable implications for the nursing process and if applied, would contribute to greater service to and with the client.

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