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Because of technology, we started to realize another way for communication which is via messages, and video calls.Online communication or socializing is very primary nowadays.This essay discusses two methods for socializing; online, and in person.Maybe we became lazy to meet each other, or life issues have increased.After getting back from school every day, I spend around 2 hours chatting with my friend Basil.

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Because of technology, we started to realize another way for communication which is via messages, and video calls. Maybe we became lazy to meet each other, or life issues have increased. Online communication or socializing is very primary nowadays. This essay discusses two methods for socializing; online, and in person.

After getting back from school every day, I spend around 2 hours chatting with my friend Basil. My mother saw me yesterday, and she told me” why don’t you go and meet him in person?”. To be honest, My mother convinced me since Basil lives near my house, so we can meet each other easily. I think my mother is giving me a hidden message either on not to spend too much time using social media or on the importance of face-to-face communication. When you socialize with people in person, you are going to notice other things more than the spoken words. You are going to realize their characters, their facial expressions, and you would be able to know how they think. Their personalities would be crystal clear for you. I started to meet Basil after school to study together or to play video games. It is much interesting. Sitting in front of a screen for two to three hours is a waste of time. You can’t tell the truth until you experience the other side of communication. Moreover, socializing is not about being in the same place with the other person, it is about discussing topics, arguing, sharing points of view, or remembering moments. Basil and I agreed on minimizing the hours we spend using online methods, and we are going to make a weekly gathering for all our friends.

Finally, we cannot say which type of communication is better. We need both of them, each one has its own characteristics.

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