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To take regular breaks while driving long distances are more likely to experience drowsiness.Since sleep deprivation can lead to various physiological changes, such as wakefulness and sleep loss, it can negatively affect individuals who work at night or travel across time zones.When a warning is issued, the COMAND navigation system indicates nearby service areas.It is also important to get enough sleep to avoid chronic fatigue.

Original text

To take regular breaks while driving long distances are more likely to experience drowsiness. Although the need for sleep varies among individuals, most of us require at least 8 hours of sleep each night to maintain optimal performance. It is also important to get enough sleep to avoid chronic fatigue.
According to studies, drowsy drivers who need a break are responsible for about a quarter of major highway accidents, which means that drowsiness causes more road accidents than drunk driving.
Attention Aid can warn drivers of inattention and drowsiness over a wide speed range and notify them of how long it has been since their last rest period, as well as their current state of fatigue.
Since sleep deprivation can lead to various physiological changes, such as wakefulness and sleep loss, it can negatively affect individuals who work at night or travel across time zones.
When a warning is issued, the COMAND navigation system indicates nearby service areas.

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