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Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
This article aims, through a detailed presentation as to provide clarification for a better
understanding of what internal audit definition, objectives, functions and stages of its
development mean.In the vocabulary " The words of the Audit" is given the following definition:
"The internal audit function within an organization exercised in a manner mandated
independent evaluation of internal control. This approach specifically compete with
good risk control over the charge. Internal audit is an independent activity, objective of assurance and consulting
designed to create value and improve an organization's operations. It assists an
organization in achieving its objectives by implementing a systematic and disciplined
approach in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management and
control. Internal audit profession is based on a flexible frame of reference, recognized
around the world, which is adapted to the specific legislative and regulatory
framework of each country, in compliance with specific rules governing the various
sectors and culture organization. The reference of internal audit includes:
a) the concept of internal audit, which indicates some essential elements:
- internal audit carry out assurance and advisory ;
- its areas of responsibility are risk, internal control and management entity;
- purpose of internal auditing is to add value to organizations;
b) code of conduct, which provides internal auditors principles and values that enable
them to focus their professional practice according to the specific context;
c) rules (standards) for professional practice of internal auditing, which guides its
auditors to carry out missions and management activities;
d) arrangements for implementing that comment and explain the rules (standards) and
recommended best practices;
e)support for professional development, consisting mainly of theory papers and
articles, the documents of meetings, conferences and seminars
The audit literature is structured in different ways and different criteria. A. Depending on the objectives:
1. Regular or compliance audit. Its objective which is to establish if they met certain criteria defined by a
competent authority. These criteria are usually specific entities or sectors of
activities such as:
- compliance with management decisions or policies;
- compliance procedure manuals relating to the conduct of operations;
Studies in Business and Economics
Studies in Business and Economics - 241 -
- compliance with contract terms;
- legal compliance and other external restrictions (such tax audit can be considered
a compliance audit);
- ensuring exhaustivity, reality and accuracy of information;
- security assets;
- ensuring an atmosphere of moral- ethical thing etc. 2. Audit of effectiveness or performance. In this type of audit criteria are
not fixed, they change each time depending on the reasoning of auditors
that look at what are the best, effective, reliable and timely solutions based
on emerging internal and external cyclical. Effective audit can be viewed
from two angles: management audit and operational audit. 3. Financial audit relies in collecting audit evidence about the entity's
financial statements and use these samples to assess their compliance
with preset criteria. In Romanian legislation the expression ,,financial audit"
is used, in the VIIth Directive of the European Community Council in 1984
is used in the same acceptation the term "legal control" (legal or statutory
audit).Audit term comes from the Latin word audit - auditare, which has the
significance ,, to listen", but about the audit had been talking since the time of
Assyrians, Egyptians, from the reign of Charles the Great or Edward I of England. The occurrence of internal audit and external audit is closely linked to
development of the economic crisis of 1929 in the United States, according to the
specialist Jacques Renard, when businesses were fully affected by the economic
secession. Employers were interested in reducing taxes and fees so that all accounts
containing transactions generating taxes and fees,, have been thoroughly analyzed in
order to find the possibility of reducing the taxable supply or transactions for which fees
were paid improperly".In our country, the law provides the following types of audit:
 audit system, which provides an assessment of depth of management and
internal control in order to determine whether it works economically, efficiently
and effectively, to identify deficiencies and make recommendations for their
 the performance audit, which examines the criteria established for
implementing the objectives and tasks of the public entity shall correct the
results and assess whether the results are consistent with the objective;
 regular audit, which is examining the financial impact of actions on public
funds or public property, in terms of compliance with all principles, rules,
procedures and methodologies, according to legal norms.Control and audit professionals have objectives that are interrelated and
interconditioned between them, so:
- Internal control check activities and operations are conducted in accordance
with the laws in force, in conjunction with the risks facing the organization;
- Favorable external control signals and how to ensure the system of internal
control within the organization;

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- 242 - Studies in Business and Economics
- Internal audit is the existence and operation of management control system
and evaluate its effectiveness, and as a result may recommend giving up some
control actions and develop others;
- The external audit shall ensure that the system outlined above exist and
function within the organization.Internal Audit has as aims:
- verification of compliance of the economic entity audited policies, programs
and their management in accordance with legal provisions;
- evaluating the implementation of financial and non-financial controls and
arranged and performed by the head entity in order to increase economic efficiency;
- evaluating the adequacy of financial and non-financial data and information
for management to know the reality of the economic entity;
- protecting those assets and off balance sheet and identify measures to
prevent fraud and losses of any kind.Thus,on
the one hand, he evaluates the internal control on its functionality in relation to
general management, but also in relations with external control entity received from
the outside, but on the other hand, recommendations and conclusions that provides
reports on which they draw, EXTERNAL AUDIT provides a basis for preparing and
formulating an appropriate advice, taking into account the degree of familiarity with
the organization and the general management degree of assurance provided by
internal auditors.Consequently, special attention should be given to this new profession of
"INTERNAL AUDIT", which has already been fixed in the consciousness of
professionals, through its introduction as a subject of study in the university system,
all profiles and specializations, including faculty from outside the economic domain,
and conducting internal audit activities of the master, which can be used for
professional certification for internal auditors.Internal audit is:
- a permanent review of the entity's economic activity ;
- an independent appraisal activity for the economic entity's management, by
examining the financial operations, accounting and other services on all;
- an evaluation of conformity assessment tasks and accounting records,
reports, assets, capital and results ;
- a certificate or certification of financial accounting documents .Internal audit is exercised over all activities in a public entity, including the
activities of subordinates, or under the authority in coordination with the formation and
use of public funds and the management of public assets, which runs under the
specific methodology of internal audit steps, procedures and documents as follows:
Preparing audit mission: what the following procedures requires:
1.International auditing standards define the internal audit activity assessment as
an entity organized as a service to it.
Internal audit functions are among others:
- examination;
- evaluation;
- monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control.Conduct internal audit
Internal audit of public entities is performed by internal audit department, which
evaluates whether the financial management and internal control systems are
transparent and comply with the rules of legality, regularity, efficiency and economy.Each of these terms implies:
- comparing the actual situation with the situation that should be;
- establishment and analysis of the deviations and risks;
- proposal or recommendation of measures to contribute to the achievement of
the entity or to provide correct information.In this regard, it ensures that the tasks of internal
control and internal audits to be conducted in accordance with standard practice, by
different professionals and have regard to all activities and departments within the
organization.Internal audit is the activity of objective examination of all activities of economic
entities in the real purpose of independent evaluation, risk management and control
and their processes.Internal Auditor: advise, assist, recommend, but not decide, his obligation is to
provide a means to improve the control that each manager has on his activities and
those in coordination to achieve goals.Audit practice has a considerable experience as we use various terms such as:
inspection, control, revision, checking, auditing, and supervision.Studies in Business and Economics
Studies in Business and Economics - 243 -
Internal audit review the entity's activities and services, primarily to improve
them.Internal audit is organized as an independent section of the structure of public
and private entities, and external audit is carried out as the financial audit and contract
audit conducted by independent professionals and management of auditees.It leads to strict policies and procedures established by that entity and it is not
limited to financial matters.The audit objectives.Audit Functions.

Original text

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania
This article aims, through a detailed presentation as to provide clarification for a better
understanding of what internal audit definition, objectives, functions and stages of its
development mean. It is also exposed a brief history about the emergence and development of
internal audit and regulatory framework. I also plan to linking theory and practice by reference to
documents used: both the evidence considered and especially those prepared by the auditors in
connection with the performance audit and its use in the audit report.
Keyworks: internal audit, efficiency, effectiveness, risk audit, system audit, performance audit,
regularity audit.

Audit term comes from the Latin word audit - auditare, which has the
significance „ to listen”, but about the audit had been talking since the time of
Assyrians, Egyptians, from the reign of Charles the Great or Edward I of England.
The occurrence of internal audit and external audit is closely linked to
development of the economic crisis of 1929 in the United States, according to the
specialist Jacques Renard, when businesses were fully affected by the economic
secession. Employers were interested in reducing taxes and fees so that all accounts
containing transactions generating taxes and fees„ have been thoroughly analyzed in
order to find the possibility of reducing the taxable supply or transactions for which fees
were paid improperly”.
As previously stated in the paragraph we realize how far we are in time from
1929 and paradoxically how similar we are affected by the current crisis.
Audit practice has a considerable experience as we use various terms such as:
inspection, control, revision, checking, auditing, and supervision.
Each of these terms implies:

  • comparing the actual situation with the situation that should be;

  • establishment and analysis of the deviations and risks;

  • proposal or recommendation of measures to contribute to the achievement of
    the entity or to provide correct information.
    These terms may have a different scope and may be based on some specific
    investigation techniques and procedures.
    Studies in Business and Economics
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    Audit period, generally comes from the Latin word „audire”- to listen and inform
    others. In Anglo-Saxon countries today, the term signifies an overhaul of accounting
    and other information, performed by an independent professional in order to express
    an opinion on the regularity and sincerity audited information.
    Audit in general, is a systematic process of objectively obtaining and
    evaluating the information or statements to assess their degree of compliance with
    predetermined criteria, and communication of results to interested users.
    The audit consists of checking and certifying the financial statements by an
    independent expert to provide an opinion on the facts and accuracy of the data
    contained therein. The role of audit is to provide users with information on the
    principles and accounting practices and accounting and presentation of financial
    statements accurate picture, clear and complete financial position and financial
    performance of the company.
    After the analysis of audit data definitions the following general features can be

  1. The audit is a process, a set of operations, collection, analysis and
    evaluation of information (audit trail) to obtain reasonable assurance
    on compliance of such information or statements with predetermined
    In essence an audit process is:

  • fair audit evidence-gathering (just the character of the evidence relates to the
    quality and effectiveness of the types of samples collected) and sufficient
    (sufficiency of evidence refers to the amount collected) necessary to express an
    opinion or to formulate a recommendation;

  • correspondence assessment or inconsistencies between different types of
    collected samples;

  • setting the deviations regarding the pre-set criteria.

  1. The audit is facing accounting policies and work procedures used in
    the entity with a set of criteria, such as International Financial
    Reporting Standards (IFRS), International Accounting Standards (IAS),
    national accounting rules, internal procedure manuals, tax regulations,
    etc To be useful, these confrontations have to be based on justifiable
    and verifiable information.

  2. Auditors are competent professionals who have achieved that status
    based on exams. Examination of the information is not made at
    random, as it is by intuition auditors professional standards (codes of
    ethical conduct established by the profession and the Seventh
    Directive of the ECA in 1984. professional standards and technical
    standards work).

  3. Auditor's conclusions are summarized and systematized in the reports
    that are made available to those who are interested.

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    In 1999, the International Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) in the U.S. has
    issued a new definition of internal audit, following a study of 800 students, coordinated
    by auditors from Australian universities, such:
    Internal audit is an independent and objective activity, an organization that
    gives assurance as to the degree of control by the operations, a guide to improve
    operations and contribute to an adding value.
    Internal audit helps the organization to achieve its objectives by evaluating a
    systematic and methodical approach to its risk management processes, control and
    management of the entity and making proposals to strengthen their effectiveness.
    In the vocabulary " The words of the Audit" is given the following definition:
    "The internal audit function within an organization exercised in a manner mandated
    independent evaluation of internal control. This approach specifically compete with
    good risk control over the charge.
    Internal audit is an independent activity, objective of assurance and consulting
    designed to create value and improve an organization's operations. It assists an
    organization in achieving its objectives by implementing a systematic and disciplined
    approach in evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management and
    Internal audit profession is based on a flexible frame of reference, recognized
    around the world, which is adapted to the specific legislative and regulatory
    framework of each country, in compliance with specific rules governing the various
    sectors and culture organization.
    The reference of internal audit includes:
    a) the concept of internal audit, which indicates some essential elements:

  • internal audit carry out assurance and advisory ;

  • its areas of responsibility are risk, internal control and management entity;

  • purpose of internal auditing is to add value to organizations;
    b) code of conduct, which provides internal auditors principles and values that enable
    them to focus their professional practice according to the specific context;
    c) rules (standards) for professional practice of internal auditing, which guides its
    auditors to carry out missions and management activities;
    d) arrangements for implementing that comment and explain the rules (standards) and
    recommended best practices;
    e)support for professional development, consisting mainly of theory papers and
    articles, the documents of meetings, conferences and seminars
    The audit literature is structured in different ways and different criteria.
    A. Depending on the objectives:

  1. Regular or compliance audit.
    Its objective which is to establish if they met certain criteria defined by a
    competent authority. These criteria are usually specific entities or sectors of
    activities such as:

  • compliance with management decisions or policies;

  • compliance procedure manuals relating to the conduct of operations;
    Studies in Business and Economics
    Studies in Business and Economics - 241 -

  • compliance with contract terms;

  • legal compliance and other external restrictions (such tax audit can be considered
    a compliance audit);

  • ensuring exhaustivity, reality and accuracy of information;

  • security assets;

  • ensuring an atmosphere of moral- ethical thing etc.

  1. Audit of effectiveness or performance. In this type of audit criteria are
    not fixed, they change each time depending on the reasoning of auditors
    that look at what are the best, effective, reliable and timely solutions based
    on emerging internal and external cyclical. Effective audit can be viewed
    from two angles: management audit and operational audit.

  2. Financial audit relies in collecting audit evidence about the entity's
    financial statements and use these samples to assess their compliance
    with preset criteria. In Romanian legislation the expression „financial audit”
    is used, in the VIIth Directive of the European Community Council in 1984
    is used in the same acceptation the term "legal control" (legal or statutory
    B. Depending on the affiliation of auditors the audit types are:

  • internal audit;

  • external audit.
    Internal audit is organized as an independent section of the structure of public
    and private entities, and external audit is carried out as the financial audit and contract
    audit conducted by independent professionals and management of auditees.
    In our country, the law provides the following types of audit:
     audit system, which provides an assessment of depth of management and
    internal control in order to determine whether it works economically, efficiently
    and effectively, to identify deficiencies and make recommendations for their
     the performance audit, which examines the criteria established for
    implementing the objectives and tasks of the public entity shall correct the
    results and assess whether the results are consistent with the objective;
     regular audit, which is examining the financial impact of actions on public
    funds or public property, in terms of compliance with all principles, rules,
    procedures and methodologies, according to legal norms.
    The audit objectives.
    Any type of audit objective is to improve the use of information.
    Control and audit professionals have objectives that are interrelated and
    interconditioned between them, so:

  • Internal control check activities and operations are conducted in accordance
    with the laws in force, in conjunction with the risks facing the organization;

  • Favorable external control signals and how to ensure the system of internal
    control within the organization;

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  • Internal audit is the existence and operation of management control system
    and evaluate its effectiveness, and as a result may recommend giving up some
    control actions and develop others;

  • The external audit shall ensure that the system outlined above exist and
    function within the organization. In this regard, it ensures that the tasks of internal
    control and internal audits to be conducted in accordance with standard practice, by
    different professionals and have regard to all activities and departments within the
    From the above results it holds the key role of the INTERNAL AUDIT. Thus,on
    the one hand, he evaluates the internal control on its functionality in relation to
    general management, but also in relations with external control entity received from
    the outside, but on the other hand, recommendations and conclusions that provides
    reports on which they draw, EXTERNAL AUDIT provides a basis for preparing and
    formulating an appropriate advice, taking into account the degree of familiarity with
    the organization and the general management degree of assurance provided by
    internal auditors.
    Consequently, special attention should be given to this new profession of
    "INTERNAL AUDIT", which has already been fixed in the consciousness of
    professionals, through its introduction as a subject of study in the university system,
    all profiles and specializations, including faculty from outside the economic domain,
    and conducting internal audit activities of the master, which can be used for
    professional certification for internal auditors.
    Internal audit is the activity of objective examination of all activities of economic
    entities in the real purpose of independent evaluation, risk management and control
    and their processes.
    Internal Audit has as aims:

  • verification of compliance of the economic entity audited policies, programs
    and their management in accordance with legal provisions;

  • evaluating the implementation of financial and non-financial controls and
    arranged and performed by the head entity in order to increase economic efficiency;

  • evaluating the adequacy of financial and non-financial data and information
    for management to know the reality of the economic entity;

  • protecting those assets and off balance sheet and identify measures to
    prevent fraud and losses of any kind.
    Audit Functions.
    International auditing standards define the internal audit activity assessment as
    an entity organized as a service to it.
    Internal audit functions are among others:

  • examination;

  • evaluation;

  • monitoring the adequacy and effectiveness of internal control.
    Studies in Business and Economics
    Studies in Business and Economics - 243 -
    Internal audit review the entity's activities and services, primarily to improve
    them. It leads to strict policies and procedures established by that entity and it is not
    limited to financial matters.
    Internal audit is:

  • a permanent review of the entity's economic activity ;

  • an independent appraisal activity for the economic entity's management, by
    examining the financial operations, accounting and other services on all;

  • an evaluation of conformity assessment tasks and accounting records,
    reports, assets, capital and results ;

  • a certificate or certification of financial accounting documents .
    Internal audit is a function of the entity's control structure. It should not be
    confused with the entity's internal control structure. The two departments are
    separate and independent, not being in the relationship of subordination.
    Those responsible for carrying out internal audits, coordination of work or
    commitments, the signing of internal audit reports must be of Internal auditing.
    Internal auditors are permanent employees of the entity and are directly
    responsible to the entity's management or the General Assembly of Shareholders.
    Internal Auditor: advise, assist, recommend, but not decide, his obligation is to
    provide a means to improve the control that each manager has on his activities and
    those in coordination to achieve goals.
    Conduct internal audit
    Internal audit of public entities is performed by internal audit department, which
    evaluates whether the financial management and internal control systems are
    transparent and comply with the rules of legality, regularity, efficiency and economy.
    Internal audit is exercised over all activities in a public entity, including the
    activities of subordinates, or under the authority in coordination with the formation and
    use of public funds and the management of public assets, which runs under the
    specific methodology of internal audit steps, procedures and documents as follows:
    Preparing audit mission: what the following procedures requires:

  1. initiation of the audit (in which they are drawn: service order, declaration of
    independence, triggering notification of the engagement - Internal control

  2. collecting and processing information (summary list of objects is drawn audited);

  3. risk analysis ( to prepare table of "strengths and weaknesses"”);

  4. developing the internal audit program (program audit, the preliminary program of
    intervention on the spot);

  5. opening session (it made the opening minutes of the meeting).

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    Intervention at the premises requires the following procedures:

  1. collecting evidence (to be prepared the following documents: checklist, tests, job
    identification and analysis of problems;

  2. finding and reporting irregularities (for declaration form is completed and the
    reporting of irregularities);

  3. review working papers (note summary shall be prepared working documents);

  4. closing session (it is written the closing minutes of the meeting.).
    Internal Audit Report: requires the following procedures:

  5. draft internal audit report (to prepare the draft report);

  6. transmission of the draft audit report;

  7. conciliation meeting (minutes of meeting of reconciliation is made); report (final report’s preparation);

  8. supervision (supervision shall prepare a list of documents).

  9. dissemination of internal audit report.
    Tracking recommendations: stage at which it is made recommendations
    tracking sheet. Based on its audited entity will be revise their work as auditors
    recommendations, recommendations which were accepted by the entity.
    Internal Audit Department audits at least every three years, but not limited
    to, the following:
     budgetary and legal commitments arising directly or indirectly in payment
    obligations, including EU funds;
     payments made through the budgetary and legal commitments, including
    community funds
     sale, pledge, lease or rental of goods from the private sector of the state or
    administrative-territorial units;
     public revenue, respectively the licensing and establishment of debt instruments
    and facilities provided to their collection;
     allocation of budget appropriations;
     accounting system and its reliability;
     decision-making system;
     management and control systems and associated risks of such systems;
     information systems.
    Internal audit assignments are made based on plan. The draft audit plan is
    prepared by the internal audit department, based on risk assessment and by taking
    suggestions from the head entity, in consultation with higher-level government entities,
    taking into account the recommendations of the Court of Auditors. The head of the
    public entity approves the draft internal audit plan
    Studies in Business and Economics
    Studies in Business and Economics - 245 -
    The internal auditor carries out ad hoc audits, internal audit assignments that
    exceptional, not included in the annual internal audit plan.
    In carrying out audits, internal auditors carry out their activities based on work
    order issued by the Head of Public Internal Audit Department, which explicitly states
    the goals, objectives, type and duration of the internal audit, nominating and audit
    Internal audit assignments may be the main objectives:

  • procedures and operations to ensure compliance with rules, regulations and laws -
    a regular audit (an audit of this type is exemplified in this seminar notebook);

  • assessing the depth of management and internal control in order to remove any
    irregularities and shortcomings of the public entity - the audit system;

  • examining the impact of the set objectives and desired quality of the public in terms
    of the criteria of economy, efficiency and economy - performance audit.
    Mission objectives are statements prepared by auditors that define what they
    have set out to achieve during the mission.
    Public Internal Audit Department shall notify the structure that will be audited,
    15 days before the onset of engagement and it will include the purpose, key objectives
    and duration of the mission.
    Public Internal Audit Department shall also notify, topic in detail, joint
    cooperation program, and the periods in which the interventions on the spot, according
    to methodological norms.
    The internal auditors have access to all data and information, including
    electronic ones, which it considers relevant for the purpose and objectives specified in
    the order of service.
    Management and executive staff of the auditee is required to provide
    documents and information required within the timescales, and all the support needed
    to carry out properly the public internal audit.
    Internal auditors may request data, information and copies of documents
    certified by natural and legal persons in connection with the auditee, and they have the
    obligation to provide the requested date.
    The authorized representatives of the European Commission and European
    Court of Auditors shall have the rights equivalent to those provided for internal auditors
    in order to protect the financial interests of the European Union; they must be
    authorized to that effect by a written authorization, to prove their identity and position,
    and a document indicating the object and purpose of inspection or spot inspection.
    Whenever the public internal audit narrowly specialized knowledge is required,
    the head of internal audit department can decide whether to contract for expert
    services / advice outside the public entity.

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