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Areeba mentioned about her roles and functions at Students Factory mentioned that her roles include being a member of the marketing team as well as being the HR Manager of the company.When they bring Leading into the picture, being an HR manager, she led her HR mentor towards the right path and make sure they do not face any sort of issues with their interns.Her job includes all these elements of PLOC, which is planning, leading, organizing, controlling.

Original text

Areeba mentioned about her roles and functions at Students Factory mentioned that her roles include being a member of the marketing team as well as being the HR Manager of the company. Her job includes all these elements of PLOC, which is planning, leading, organizing, controlling. She plans for upcoming events in Students Factory and even if not for upcoming events, she creates plans on how to ensure every interns' work is being updated on time. When they bring Leading into the picture, being an HR manager, she led her HR mentor towards the right path and make sure they do not face any sort of issues with their interns. Speaking of organizing, being a part of the marketing team, she has helped the team leader organize different events like the iWrite Finals Competition and other webinars that are coming soon. Lastly, the factor of controlling comes in when she has the authority to give certain orders and she have control over interns' taking leaves. She also has control over the interns through an authority of giving interns warnings in case work is not being done in a proper manner

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