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There are advantages of advetisements which is not hidden by anyone. Advertisement creates the market for products, goods and services. In a competitive market advertisement play a significant role in increasing the sales of the particular product. It creates awareness among the general public about it’s existence and also about it’s rates, discounts and various other advertisements advantages as well. It lures the customer to buy it and also helps them to compare the rates and quality of homogeneous products. The mediums of advertising like television, newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, applications and through other various means also earn a lot for broadcasting or publishing it. The main motto of advertising is giving knowledge to the public about the existence and nature of the product to create it’s market. It doesn’t just help to marketing managers or agents but also to the public by helping them to gain knowledge about new products or the editions in the old products.

Original text

There are advantages of advetisements which is not hidden by anyone. Advertisement creates the market for products, goods and services. In a competitive market advertisement play a significant role in increasing the sales of the particular product. It creates awareness among the general public about it’s existence and also about it’s rates, discounts and various other advertisements advantages as well. It lures the customer to buy it and also helps them to compare the rates and quality of homogeneous products. The mediums of advertising like television, newspaper, magazines, pamphlets, applications and through other various means also earn a lot for broadcasting or publishing it. The main motto of advertising is giving knowledge to the public about the existence and nature of the product to create it’s market. It doesn’t just help to marketing managers or agents but also to the public by helping them to gain knowledge about new products or the editions in the old products.

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