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Surveillance /x-ray imagery]

'There is a growing technological capacity to make visible things that our eyes could not see unaided'

We do more looking, and we're more looked at - think of video surveillance in shops, on buses, on inner city streets, or even speed cameras.These are now routine image generating technologies which allow events to be captured visually in a much more comprehensive way - and can be seen as part of a modern tendency to picture or visualise existence.Much more compelling visual information was then made available to the public in the form of images taken by people in the area when the tsunami struck on cameras handi-cams and even cellphones.Initial media reports used maps to show the origin of the tsunami and the affected areas.It is interesting to look at the role the 'visual' played in the news reporting of the Boxing Day tsunami in 2005.Even the media were relatively restricted in terms of visual information as there were transport and safety issues.Human experience is more visual and more visualised.[SLIDE 8, 9, 10 & 11 - Tsunami]

Is this another sign of the rise and rise of visual culture?

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Surveillance /x-ray imagery]

‘There is a growing technological capacity to make visible things that our eyes could not see unaided’

We do more looking, and we’re more looked at – think of video surveillance in shops, on buses, on inner city streets, or even speed cameras.

Human experience is more visual and more visualised.

[SLIDE 8, 9, 10 & 11 – Tsunami]

Is this another sign of the rise and rise of visual culture?

It is interesting to look at the role the ‘visual’ played in the news reporting of the Boxing Day tsunami in 2005. Initial media reports used maps to show the origin of the tsunami and the affected areas.

Then official media photos and footage were used, showing the devastation that had been caused. Even the media were relatively restricted in terms of visual information as there were transport and safety issues.

Much more compelling visual information was then made available to the public in the form of images taken by people in the area when the tsunami struck on cameras handi-cams and even cellphones.

These are now routine image generating technologies which allow events to be captured visually in a much more comprehensive way – and can be seen as part of a modern tendency to picture or visualise existence.

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