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So, if you’re reading this, you’re experiencing some of the wonders of the digital revolution right now. You’re enjoying the cloud, the Internet, and some kind of handy device that lets you access both. You can even be reading this on your phone.

Hello there. Welcome to the digital revolution.

Beginning in the 1950s, the third industrial revolution brought semiconductors, mainframe computing, personal computing, and the Internet—the digital revolution. Things that used to be analog moved to digital technologies, like an old television you used to tune in with an antenna (analog) being replaced by an Internet-connected tablet that lets you stream movies (digital).

The move from analog electronic and mechanical devices to pervasive digital technology dramatically disrupted industries, especially global communications and energy. Electronics and information technology began to automate production and take supply chains global.

Original text

So, if you’re reading this, you’re experiencing some of the wonders of the digital revolution right now. You’re enjoying the cloud, the Internet, and some kind of handy device that lets you access both. You can even be reading this on your phone.

Hello there. Welcome to the digital revolution.

Beginning in the 1950s, the third industrial revolution brought semiconductors, mainframe computing, personal computing, and the Internet—the digital revolution. Things that used to be analog moved to digital technologies, like an old television you used to tune in with an antenna (analog) being replaced by an Internet-connected tablet that lets you stream movies (digital).

The move from analog electronic and mechanical devices to pervasive digital technology dramatically disrupted industries, especially global communications and energy. Electronics and information technology began to automate production and take supply chains global.

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