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They are public firms that mainly focus on shareholderreturns.The large lighting companies may predict that theycannot receive a profit out of it and simply not consider themarket segment as worthy of an investment.?6-39.From this,Sam was able to design a d.light to fully solve the issue.Image of page 1

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They are public firms that mainly focus on shareholderreturns. The large lighting companies may predict that theycannot receive a profit out of it and simply not consider themarket segment as worthy of an investment.6-39. What qualities do Sam Goldman and his team havethat will help them solve the problem of providing lightto the billions of people in the world who lack access toreliable electricity?In terms of Sam Goldman, he clearly understood the problemthe people who lack access to reliable electricity and light.He lived in multiple countries with the problem. From this,Sam was able to design a d.light to fully solve the issue.
Image of page 1

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