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During the first months of the pandemic, industry reports showed that digital media use tremendously increased as people spent more time at home due to coronavirus lockdowns.Digital communication behaviors may then revert back to how they were before once the crisis has ended.Such increases were especially prevalent for social media and messaging apps, but particularly remarkable was the unprecedented uptake in video conferencing apps and programs.

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During the first months of the pandemic, industry reports showed that digital media use tremendously increased as people spent more time at home due to coronavirus lockdowns. Such increases were especially prevalent for social media and messaging apps, but particularly remarkable was the unprecedented uptake in video conferencing apps and programs.
The new patterns of communication that have emerged during the pandemic have different potential implications for how things will develop in the future. On the one hand, it may be that people’s digital communication increased because of the desire to check in with friends and family more often during this particular health crisis. It could also be that people have more time available to spend on such communications because of lockdown measures. Digital communication behaviors may then revert back to how they were before once the crisis has ended. On the other hand, as people adopt new digital communication methods, they may develop preferences for these new approaches and retain them longer term.

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