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This interview helped to eliminate insignificant and repetitive diversity factors identified concerning
their impact on the productivity of construction projects.The first two sections aimed to solicit

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Before conducting a wide-ranging survey, a pilot interview was conducted with three industry experts to validate the identified factors
from the literature review as well as to certify the applicability and
understandability of the questionnaire. This interview helped to eliminate insignificant and repetitive diversity factors identified concerning
their impact on the productivity of construction projects. During the
interview, the questions were posed to the respondents to list additional factors that may not have been identified through the literature
review. Targeted respondents of this pilot interview were industrial
experts who were chosen due to their relevance and involvement in
the construction industry, who have worked closely with various associates of different diversities. Therefore, their ability to provide valuable insights and views were taken into consideration to develop the
final survey questionnaire. Finally, as shown in Table 1, a total of
21 diversity factors categorized into four principal diversity types
were included in a survey questionnaire.
The survey questionnaire was designed based on workforce
diversity factors. The questionnaire consists of three main sections, as
shown in Appendix S1. The first two sections aimed to solicit

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