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Experts.HIV, for which no vaccine is available, remains a major global public health problem that has already cost nearly 33 million people to date, and with an estimated 38 million people live with it. Although antiretroviral therapy significantly prolongs the life of patients making the disease a manageable chronic health condition, treatment is expensive and not available for all infected patients.

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Experts. HIV, for which no vaccine is available, remains a major global public health problem that has already cost nearly 33 million people to date, and with an estimated 38 million people live with it. Although antiretroviral therapy significantly prolongs the life of patients making the disease a manageable chronic health condition, treatment is expensive and not available for all infected patients. Hence, vaccines are needed to control the spread of HIV. Therefore, in this issue, Rodometov et al. [1] Description of the development of human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) using the iron protein bound to a non-transferrin-bound polypeptide (NTBI) that carries four T- and five B-cellepitopes of HIV-1 Env and Gag proteins recognized by neutralizing antibodies Widespread anti-HIV-1, along with Th-epitopes. Inoculating rabbits with this nTBI protein produced antibodies that recognize and support HIV-1 proteins.

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