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Petroleum started playing an important role in the world’s economy after 1859 and today it has become so important that most of the human activities on the earth may come to a halt without it. The importance of petroleum can be understood by the fact that it accounts for more than 60% of the shipping in the world on a tonnage basis. Petroleum is not only used as fuel and lubricant in the vehicles, airplanes, ships and trains, but it also has many other applications including industrial applications. Petroleum processing produces a number of by-products such as lubes, waxes, petroleum jellies, asphalts, and so on, which are used in production of many other products. Waxes and petroleum jellies are used for making candles, coated papers, beverage cups and cartons as well as for manufacturing a number of cosmetic products (Hsu & Robinson, 2012). Other non-cosmetic uses of petrolatum include sealants (solder paste) and adhesives, food additives, denture adhesive creams, medical ointments, pharmaceutical products and insect repellents.
Petroleum jelly is one of the key ingredients in most of the lotions, ointments and cosmetics due to its moisturizing and healing properties to seal off an injury or burn from further infection or contamination. One of the variations of Petroleum Jelly, called Red Veterinary Petroleum, protects against ultraviolet (UV) exposure and it is largely used as a sunscreen.

Original text

Petroleum started playing an important role in the world’s economy after 1859 and today it has become so important that most of the human activities on the earth may come to a halt without it. The importance of petroleum can be understood by the fact that it accounts for more than 60% of the shipping in the world on a tonnage basis. Petroleum is not only used as fuel and lubricant in the vehicles, airplanes, ships and trains, but it also has many other applications including industrial applications. Petroleum processing produces a number of by-products such as lubes, waxes, petroleum jellies, asphalts, and so on, which are used in production of many other products. Waxes and petroleum jellies are used for making candles, coated papers, beverage cups and cartons as well as for manufacturing a number of cosmetic products (Hsu & Robinson, 2012). Other non-cosmetic uses of petrolatum include sealants (solder paste) and adhesives, food additives, denture adhesive creams, medical ointments, pharmaceutical products and insect repellents.
Petroleum jelly is one of the key ingredients in most of the lotions, ointments and cosmetics due to its moisturizing and healing properties to seal off an injury or burn from further infection or contamination. One of the variations of Petroleum Jelly, called Red Veterinary Petroleum, protects against ultraviolet (UV) exposure and it is largely used as a sunscreen.

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