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II- Can urban planning lead to sustainable mobility?The separation of functions in the urban fabric, a corollary of low density extensions, is also responsible for the increased role of the automobile in travel.As such, Asian cities, such as Tokyo or Hong Kong, but also European cities, including Paris and Berlin, would be less expensive in energy than their American counterparts.However, a large part of recent urbanization consists of the relocation of equipment or places of activity formerly located in denser sectors and better served by public transport.

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II- Can urban planning lead to sustainable mobility?

One of the key questions that has been asked is whether we want to limit the place of the automobile in our urban areas. This question goes far beyond the technical and environmental aspects: it concerns a choice of society. They also highlighted the correlation between density and energy consumption in transport per capita. The preservation of energy resources would thus go through more compact urban forms. As such, Asian cities, such as Tokyo or Hong Kong, but also European cities, including Paris and Berlin, would be less expensive in energy than their American counterparts.
The location of urban development and its density take responsibility for the rate of motorization. The separation of functions in the urban fabric, a corollary of low density extensions, is also responsible for the increased role of the automobile in travel.
The public transport service to single-functional areas will never be sufficient to be attractive to the automobile. However, a large part of recent urbanization consists of the relocation of equipment or places of activity formerly located in denser sectors and better served by public transport.

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