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It is a short story in English, and it tells that people used to go to the wise man, complaining to him of the same problems every time.One day, Aljkim told them a joke and everyone laughed about it. After two minutes, he told them the same joke again and a few smiled.The wise man smiled and said to them: "One cannot laugh at the same joke over and over again. So why does a person always cry about the same problem?"For the third time he said the same joke, no one laughed.The moral of the story: Feeling anxious will not solve the problems, but rather it will waste your time, energy, and happiness.

Original text

It is a short story in English, and it tells that people used to go to the wise man, complaining to him of the same problems every time. One day, Aljkim told them a joke and everyone laughed about it. After two minutes, he told them the same joke again and a few smiled. For the third time he said the same joke, no one laughed. The wise man smiled and said to them: “One cannot laugh at the same joke over and over again. So why does a person always cry about the same problem?” The moral of the story: Feeling anxious will not solve the problems, but rather it will waste your time, energy, and happiness.

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